Squeaky Wheels
We’ve all heard the adage, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” It refers to the fact that, often, the person who complains or protests the loudest gets attention and service. In the world, it can be the case that a...
Above the Law?
“Whoever wishes to be first among you shall be slave of all.” In the local assembly, as in all of God’s plans, authority and responsibility go hand in hand. We see them both in Hebrews 13:17. “Obey your leaders, and submit...
The Ultimate Shepherd
Caring, protective leaders is one of the greatest needs today. As elders, we are simply under-shepherds of the Chief Shepherd. There is no greater example of shepherding than that which the Lord provides in His capacity as “the good shepherd [that]...
Spiritual Leadership Starts at Home (part 3)
Fostering growth We’ve been considering the elder’s duty to first be a godly father; to prove himself in his own house before he accepts the responsibility to lead in God’s family. Our first article dealt with the father’s own spiritual life...
Spiritual Leadership Starts at Home (part 2)
Am I aiming high enough? In our last column, we considered the fact that as wonderful as it is to have saved, moral children, that is but the beginning of their lives of faith. The Lord desires that we raise our...
Spiritual Leadership Starts at Home (part 1)
How important to be an example to both family and flock! One of the requirements of an elder is that he be a man who manages his own household well (1 Tim. 3:4). Faithful in little, faithful in much. So the...