The Challenge of Preterism
What if the Lord came and nobody noticed? Preterism, which comes from the Latin word, praeteritus, meaning “past” or “gone by,” is a position held by a growing number of evangelicals who claim that most, if not all, biblical predictions have...
Bethlehem the Birthplace
The famed “Physician of Harley Street” visited Israel in 1905, long before the land was commercialized. He has some fascinating observations, particularly the inn at Bethlehem. There are some inferences stated as fact, but he weaves a series of interesting...
A Home Away from Home
On the Eastern slope of the Mount of Olives, on the farther side from Jerusalem, and about two miles from that city, lies the village of Bethany. Today it is known as El Azariyah, the Town of Lazarus; sometimes it...
Meeting Every Need
When our Lord Jesus came to earth, He gathered to Himself a little group of twelve disciples. We don’t have to read very far before we realize that He didn’t choose them because they had earned it or because they...
James & John: Sons of Thunder
The sons of Zebedee show some familial characteristics early in life that might have been the reason for the nickname given to them by the Lord. They were brash, at times harsh, and more than a bit concerned about their...
Andrew: The Bringer
Andrew and the Lord Jesus (Jn. 1:35-39; Mk. 1:14-18) Andrew is first introduced to us as a disciple of John the Baptist who, along with another unnamed disciple (probably the apostle John), heard John the Baptist identify the Lord Jesus as...
Judas Iscariot: One Among the Twelve
Judas Iscariot was a disciple of Jesus Christ? Yes, a disciple of great distinction. We may be tempted to say, “What a misfit!” Yet we will see he was a perfect fit for a significant role in the redemptive plan...
Levi, AKA Matthew
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he day began like any other for Levi, the son of Alphaeus, the tax collector of Capernaum. Tribute and customs were levied on goods passing on the busy trade routes to the north of Galilee, and Levi had undertaken this...
Simon Peter: A follower of the Lord Jesus Christ
A follower of the Lord Jesus Christ There are over twenty recorded junctures where the life of Simon Peter intersects with the Lord Jesus Christ. In each of these, we see the interaction of the man called Peter with whom we...