Right on Schedule
Have you ever seen those floral clocks? This tourist thought he'd try to fix one. Lesson: God's timing is always perfect. Be encouraged, Christian...the Lord is on schedule. And He's coming soon.
ExploreYour 20:25 Goal
How is this statue a good analogy of what the Christian's goal for 2025 should be? May we not only "see the Lord" but allow the Lord to be seen in us this year.
ExploreWhy He Came
As hopeless as things appear in this world, the King born in Bethlehem will one Day reign supreme. And His redeemed people shall reign with Him! A timely message as we focus on Christ this holiday season!
ExploreGod Came Down
God came to dwell with us so that we could "dwell in the House of the Lord forever." O come let us adore Him…
ExploreThe Bitter Christian
He was a bitter Christian...and then there was Caleb. When hard things come your way, will you choose to become bitter...or better, by God's grace?
ExploreThe Whisper Test
A most unusual test but one that changed a student's life. And God speaks the same message to every heart in His "still small voice.”
A cabin boy tossed overboard and rescued stated something wonderfully true about the Captain of our lives.
ExploreTo The “We Aren’t Much” Crowd
When it comes to getting the gospel out, it's easy to feel like the Lord can't use us. After all, we aren't much. But little is much when God is in it!