I Give Up!
Here's a story of a man who tried to get away from God. Guess what happened when he hopped on a plane?
ExploreEyes on the Prize
There's a lesson to be learned from a wide receiver on the football field.
ExploreWait For It! Wait For It!
As an intro to this video, we couldn't do better than remind you of this chorus: "Far above all, far above all, God has exalted Him far above all; Thrones and dominions before Him will fall; Jesus my Savior is...
ExploreThe King’s Door Is Always Open
Some people think that Christ-centered ministry is not very practical. But Christ is always presented as the only practical solution to our challenges, not just as a devotional escape from reality.
ExploreA Live Wire
Have you ever touched a live wire before? Quite shocking, isn't it? Did you know, Christian, that there's a live wire within you? Find out what it is...
ExploreThe Golden Promise
Olympic athletes train for years to be awarded a gold medal. But the woman sitting in the front row — greatly damaged by sin — had her sights set on a far higher prize.
ExploreA Book Discovered on the Moon
How much would publishers pay for the rights to a book discovered on the moon? Now what do you think would be the value of this Book...?
ExploreWhen God Hurries
Dear Prodigal, how long and how far have you wandered from the Savior? Don't you long for those days of happy fellowship with the Lord? Should you turn around this very moment, guess Who you'll find has been walking with...
ExploreGuilty…No More
Many Christians, in spite of confessing their sins to the Lord, feel constantly condemned. But, says John, even "if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart” (1 Jn 3:20). In fact, adds Paul, "There is therefore now...