The Incomparable Son
The Lord Jesus Christ dominates the Scriptures as the sun dominates our solar system. As the Eternal Son, He acts through creation and history. As the virgin's Son, He joins the stream of our race, the tributary destined to unite...
The Women in Romans 16
In the last chapter of the epistle to the Romans, we have what seems like an appendix to the book. Chapter 15 really closes the unfolding of truth that forms the body of the letter and this is added as...
Whatever Became of Preaching?
Preaching was once the glory of Protestantism. When the pulpit displaced the altar and the preacher replaced the priest, the benefit to the common people was immeasurable. What happened at the Reformation was not, of course, an innovation but rather...
Campus Preachers
The angry Sixties were troubled times. In the San Francisco Bay Area, Jerry Rubin, Abbie Hoffman and other radicals conducted mass rallies at the University of California at Berkeley. Like slaughterhouse sheep following the "Judas-goat," hundreds gathered to imbibe socialism...
The Right to Preach
The evangelist must remember that it is not the government that gives him the right to preach publicly. That right comes to us from the One who said, "All authority is given unto Me in heaven and on earth. Go...
Receiving or Refusing
The apostle Paul refused to take anything for his support from the saints at Corinth, but he gladly took what was sent from the Philippian church. What was the reason? There was a great difference between the two. In the...
Filling the Gap
Who will fill the gap? This ringing challenge completed the biography of a brother just recently gone to glory. For many years, the man had held a responsible job at a large firm. He had raised a family and had...
Harvest in Autumn Time
In 2010, the first of the "baby boom" generation (those born between 1946 and 1961) will become senior citizens. The Western world braces itself for the coming old-age crisis. According to Joyce T. Berry, U. S. Commissioner on Aging, "Within...
Keep on Growing
There are no Methuselahs among men today. Even those who live the longest are junior to Jacob, who at the age of a hundred and thirty declared that his years had been few (Gen. 47:9). There are many, however, who in...