The Women in Romans 16

In the last chapter of the epistle to the Romans, we have what seems like an appendix to the book. Chapter 15 really closes the unfolding of truth that forms the body of the letter and this is added as something entirely unconnected with what precedes. I am persuaded that it is meant by the Spirit of God to be a picture of the judgment seat of Christ. Let us look at it in this way.

It will be noticed that there are nine women on this list of saints to whom the apostle sends greeting. He does not merely mention them by name, he generally adds a word of commendation. Women may fill a wonderful place in the work of the Lord, even though they do not occupy a place of public ministry. I daresay we will be surprised when the rewards are given at the judgment seat of Christ.

Let us notice some of these women. Phebe means “radiant” or “shining.” How wonderful to meet a woman whose whole life is radiant with Christ. She is called a servant of the church. There was a woman in Jamaica who used to come early to the meeting and dust off the seats and trim the lamps and other little jobs around the Gospel tent. She always addressed me as “Minister.” So one day I said to her, “Good morning, Minister.” She said, “Oh, you’re making fun of me.” I assured her that I was not and that she was just as much a minister as I was.

Then we have Priscilla and her husband. They are mentioned six times in the New Testament. When I was engaged to be married, my future wife and I looked through the Bible for a model for our life together. What about Adam and Eve? No. Abraham and Sarah, or Isaac and Rebekah? No. At last we found a model couple — Priscilla and Aquila. Priscilla means “old-fashioned.” Thank the Lord for those with some good old-fashioned habits, ones who will bring up their children in the good old-fashioned way, in both the love and the fear of the Lord.

Paul in the workroom taught them what he knew and Priscilla and Aquila passed on to the eloquent gentleman from Alexandria what they had learned from Paul, by taking him into their home and expounding the Scriptures to him. The things done here which nobody knows about are the things soon coming up for a wonderful reward. In 1 Corinthians 16:19, we have a statement that shows the warmhearted character of this pair. “Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord with the church that is in their house.” A little group of Christians used their house as a meeting-place. Then in 2 Timothy 4:19, we learn that this dear couple was still going on for the Lord and continuing their friendship with Paul. One of the things to be commended is perseverance.

In verse 6 of our chapter, we read of Mary who bestowed much labor on the apostle. There are others named Mary in the Bible who are more well-known than this one, but none, no doubt, who are more appreciated in heaven for bestowing labor on God’s great laborer, Paul. If there is anyone here who is forgotten or little known, never mind. The Lord will remember.

In verse 12, we have three women mentioned. Tryphena and Tryphosa are spoken of as laboring and, from the use of the past tense, we would gather that Persis was an old lady who had, in former days, labored much in the Lord.

Further on we are told of Rufus’ mother and the apostle’s. This evidently means that this dear woman had mothered the apostle, maybe when he was sick, and this will not be forgotten in that day.

In verse 15, we read of Julia and the sister of Nereus but there is only a salutation sent to them. No definite mention is made of service they gave to the Lord but one cannot help thinking of the reference to them as indicating that they had made a place for themselves in the apostle’s heart by their activity in connection with the saints. Many of the believers are addressed together, but these dear women are singled out for honorable mention.

However obscure our position in this life may be, what an honor to be on heaven’s roll. Our blessed Lord will notice in detail everything done for Him.

Uplook Magazine, November 1991

Written by H. P. Barker
