There are many times in life that looking up and waiting on the Lord is necessary, and if we are not faithful to do so, we are foolish and misguided. There are also times when we have been given clear...
Step Out in Faith
During His earthly ministry, the Savior called to many people in many situations. He called the weary and heavy-laden, laboring through life’s toils and troubles, to find rest in Him (Mt. 11:28-30). He called those who were spiritually thirsty to...
Go Therefore
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” (Mt. 28:19). As my wife and I became teachers several years ago, we had to...
Blessed in Christ
Merciful blessings It might have sounded like a real put-down, but the patient was gracious and took the visitor’s correction kindly. Her friend had asked her to select a hymn for them to sing together. She chose “Count Your Many Blessings,...
The Day of the Lord: Light
Long Live the King! The day of the Lord is a period which includes the Tribulation, the return of Christ to the earth, and the millennium. From the Latin word that means “thousand years,” the millennium refers to the 1000-year direct...
The Day of Wrath
Appointed wrath vs. obtained salvation Often, the great epochs of God’s plan are described by the term “day.” For instance, the period of time in which we are living is sometimes referred to as “the day of grace” or “the day...
The Day of Redemption
O happy day! While this is the sole reference in Scripture to the term the day of redemption, the day is referred to in Ephesians 1:14 where the Holy Spirit is described as “the earnest of our inheritance, until the redemption...
The Ancient of Days
Coming with heaven’s clouds God’s title Ancient of Days is used only three times in the Bible, each of them being connected to the night visions of Daniel 7 (vv. 9, 13, 22). This special title is composed of two time-related...
The Day of the Son of Man
Extreme danger ahead Our day could rightly be called the Day of Man. From the beginning, man has gone his own way (Rom. 1:28a), glorifying himself rather than the Creator (Gen. 11:4; Ex. 5:2; Dan. 3:15). Many people proclaim, “There is...