Magazine Issue Articles

Saturday, March 1, 1997

The Open Secret

There is a hidden wisdom. Paul writes: "We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory." In the center of their being, God makes His own to...

Saturday, February 1, 1997

Is God Efficient?

In a recent issue of Time magazine (Jan. 13, 1997), Bill Gates was interviewed in a multi-page article. His religious life warranted one short paragraph. It told us that his wife, Melinda, is a Catholic, but has agreed Bill can...

Saturday, February 1, 1997

Christian Agnostics

We may divide men into four classes: The first class includes all who know nothing about God whatever. Those who confess their ignorance are termed "Agnostics" while those who call their ignorance knowledge--and because they know not God, declare that there...

Saturday, February 1, 1997

The Power of God

God must reveal Himself, His greatness, grace, and glory, or with all our fancied knowledge we must remain in ignorance of Him. How varied are the opinions of men as to His character. One man speaks of Him as though...

Saturday, February 1, 1997

The Silence of God (Excerpt)

When faith murmurs, and unbelief revolts, and men challenge the Supreme to break that silence and declare Himself, how little do they realize what the challenge means! It means the withdrawal of the amnesty; it means the end of the...

Saturday, February 1, 1997

The Greatness of God

God is glorified by revealing Himself, and the Son of God glorified the Father by making Him known. So those who are taught and led by the Spirit of God glorify Him by acknowledging His attributes, and by adoring Him...

Saturday, February 1, 1997

Preaching: Encounters with God

Our word 'preach' represents several words in the Greek New Testament, two of the main ones signifying 'to proclaim as a herald' and 'to tell good news.' What, then, has led to the timid announcements about the 'speaker' for next...

Saturday, February 1, 1997

The Glory of God: Ezekiel 43

God created man for His own glory, and fitted him for communion with Himself. This is intimated by His visiting our first parents in the cool of the day. He doubtless taught them to hallow the beginning and end of...

Wednesday, January 1, 1997

Who Likes Pink Flamingos?

When the National Geographic magazine published an article entitled "Ballerinas in Pink" about flamingos in their October 1957 issue, they little realized what a significant impact it would have on the Western world. On the lawn and garden industry. On...
