Magazine Issue Articles

Monday, December 1, 1997

The Timing of His Return

The New Testament presents the coming of the Lord Jesus as the hope, comfort, and encouragement of the Christian. Our hope does not rest in reforming the world, in politics, science, medical advances, technology, or education. We are waiting: "for...

Monday, December 1, 1997

Perilous Times

Many years ago I was invited at attend a Rotary luncheon in Plymouth, Michigan. Three men spoke briefly, one of whom I had the joy of meeting personally--namely, the late Mr. Stanley S. Kresge, a son of the well-known S....

Monday, December 1, 1997

The God of Patience

The mills of God grind slowly, But they grind exceeding small; Though with patience He stands watching, With exactness grinds He all. The writer of these words had learned a little of the God of Patience. It is no cause for...

Monday, December 1, 1997

Future Events Cast Shadows

Conceivably in the year 1998 God will press the button to start in motion a series of events according to His plan. For the attentive Christian the anticipation of these prophecies generates massive repercussions on his demeanor. The Rapture Before the greatest...

Monday, December 1, 1997

Is the Rapture Imminent?

Do we really have reason to believe that the coming of the Lord Jesus is near? Yes, more reasons than any generation in the history of the church has ever had. Let me list a few. The nation of Israel says...

Saturday, November 1, 1997

The Value of a Soul

The October 13 issue of Forbes magazine introduces us to the four hundred richest people in America (assuming you calculate worth by "treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal" Mt. 6:19). Included...

Saturday, November 1, 1997

Now That is Amazing Grace

It was an act of indescribable grace when God decided to rescue fallen mankind. But once He made that decision, He had to devise a plan that would fully satisfy His love and His holiness. Since He loves everyone, His...

Saturday, November 1, 1997

The Church Growth Movement

Since its inception twenty-four years ago, the Church Growth Movement has promised rapid numerical growth to American churches. Through researching the sociological, demographic, and psychological needs of people groups, an approach to numerical church growth was proposed. Full length books,...

Saturday, November 1, 1997

Hold Fast to the Gospel

The ceremonials of the Jew's religion could give no peace to Saul of Tarsus. The power politics of the Roman empire could offer no hope. The philosophies of the Greeks could present no deliverance from guilt, nor cleansing from defilement....
