Starting a Prison Ministry
Some years ago when visiting the home of a new couple that had come to our assembly, one of the questions that was asked was, "What kind of outreach do you have beyond your own assembly?" Sadly, we had to...
Life in the “God Pod”
In February 1999, I committed a crime while serving as a chaplain with a Christian health care corporation; the state of Washington charged me with a felony. Initially I denied the charge and asked my church and others to pray...
A Slave Set Free
In June 1998, two nineteen-year-old girls in a lesbian relationship, and both Satanists, viciously attacked without provocation, an elderly woman at Noosa, almost killing her. The crime received national publicity. The leader, Sarah Bird, was sentenced to 18 years in...
The Nitty Gritty
What are prison inmates generally like? The average inmate is under 25 years of age. About 96% are men, and 3 or 4% are women. Many come from broken homes, or a home that had little love or discipline. However,...
Making Your Visitor Welcome
The singing has already started. The Christians sit comfortably in their usual spots. As they sing, they glance down at the hymnbook every few lines. Before they get to the last line, they close the book and then bow their...
Prison Follow-up
While he was in prison, John the Baptist was depressed by doubts concerning Jesus being the Messiah. Jesus told His disciples that they should tell Him of the miracles they had seen and that, "the poor have the gospel preached...
On Weeds and Weeding
Don't confuse me with a gardener. I plant flowers each year but I don't read garden catalogs in February, longing for the moment when the snow melts enough to see the soil. I like flowers as art, the bold interplay...
The Big Scare
For ten anxious days they had waited in Jerusalem for the promised "Comforter." How often their minds must have revisited that evening seven weeks earlier when the Lord pledged to send another Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, who would abide...
Two Men: One Mission
Never in the course of Israel's history had the moral condition of the nation been so low as in the reign of Ahab. Of this weak and wicked man we read, he "did evil in the sight of the Lord...