Church life

Wednesday, July 1, 1998

Congratulations, You’re a Father!

Fathers in the Bible have a mixed record. Some were godly, and so were their children. Some were godly, but their children were not. Some were ungodly, but their children were godly and some were ungodly, and so were their...

Monday, June 1, 1998

Practical Matters of Worship

It is evident there is a renewed interest in worship. At many conferences and assemblies you will hear a series of messages on the subject, usually at the specific request of elders or others. This renewed interest is nothing but...

Friday, May 1, 1998


The ability to remember is one factor that distinguishes from the animal world. The elderly (and not so elderly) tell us they can remember events of 30 years ago, but cannot remember where they put their glasses. We'll leave the...

Wednesday, April 1, 1998

One Man, One Vote

Submission and a close relative, obedience, are not the most popular topics of the day, but they do play a significant role in the life of the assembly. Here are a few exhortations to obedience: "Obey them that have the...

Sunday, February 1, 1998

Two Crews

It's easy to be a destroyer, but much more effort is required to be a builder. One of the tools used by builders is encouragement. The word used in the New Testament is sometimes translated comfort, consolation, exhortation or entreaty. If...

Thursday, January 1, 1998

The Final Check List

That's it. You've decided to leave your assembly. The elders will not listen. The Christians are too worldly. The problems are not solved. This time you are really going to do it. You are not the first Christian to think this...

Monday, December 1, 1997

The Joys of Hospitality

Hospitality: the act, practice, or quality of being hospitable; friendly and solicitous entertainment of guests. So says Webster's New World Dictionary. Hospitality: PHILOXENIA, love of strangers (philos, loving, xenos, a stranger), is used in Rom. 12:13; Heb. 13:2, lit., be not...

Saturday, November 1, 1997

Seven Mysteries of the Lord’s Supper

There are mysteries and there are mysteries. The New Testament mysteries are the revelation of truths previously hidden (Eph. 3:9-11; Col. 1:26; 1 Pet. 1:11-12). But it is another kind of mystery I am thinking about today. The kind nobody...

Wednesday, October 1, 1997

Who Pays the Preacher?

It is plain that God calls some believers to be relieved of the demands of secular work to engage in another kind of work, the Lord's work. This is not a distinction between clergy and laity as introduced by men...
