Eagles & Crows
Something about the eagle's size, power, and regal look stirs me. My favorite coffee mug has eagles painted on the side; I have a calendar (last year's) that has drawings of eagles for each month. The text of Isaiah 40:31...
Be My Guest
An overseer "must be...given to hospitality" (1 Tim. 3:2). "Use hospitality one to another without grudging" (1 Pet. 4:9). "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers" (Heb. 13:2). After reading such verses, have you ever moaned and muttered, "Why don't we do more to...
What You Think, You Are
Many years ago I sat in tenth grade Biology class, arguing with my instructor about evolution. Charts were produced that seemed to point to the fact of evolution. After all, who could argue with known facts derived from fossil data?...
A Real Feast
It was the summer of 1989 while having some meetings in London, Ontario, that I picked a book out of the library of my host called Harvest Festivals by H. K. Downie. I had never read anything on the Feasts...
A Life’s Work
Have you read a good book lately? I certainly hope you have. I generally have more than one going at any one time. There are a lot of good books and I read them all a little differently. For instance,...
The Proof of the Pudding
A few years ago I was introduced to an older gentleman whose demeanor and smile made me want to get to know him better. I had heard about this man, so when I was in his area for a few...
Keeping the Knot Tied
A union embodying such an ideal (the ideal of Ephesians 5) is not to be entered into lightly or unadvisedly, but reverently, discreetly, soberly, and in the fear of God. Such is one statement in the marriage ceremony that I...
Paul tells us that it is the responsibility of children and grandchildren (nephews in the KJV) to requite (to make a return or repayment for a benefit or service) our parents (1 Tim. 5). Not to fulfill this responsibility is...
Great Distinctions
How do you build a library?" I've often been asked. Well, seldom is it built by a pre-arranged plan. I've been blessed by being around older people who have taken an interest in me and given me books that have...