Hidden Treasures
Secret possessions of the New Testament church Up until a few years ago, if you had been invited to the home of the Carlisle family, you might have unwittingly held in your hands a fortune in the form of a small...
The Post-exilic Revivals (part 2 of 2)
Restoration and revival As previously noted, Zerubbabel was primarily concerned with laying the foundations. There were certain priorities that were critical to re-establishing the nation before God, and Zerubbabel concentrated on the altar and the temple. Spiritual revival under Zerubbabel The altar All...
His Father and Ours
There are relationships based on God's abounding grace. These words should be very precious to us for they expose the depths of His love for those whom He redeemed with His own blood, and they expound the great blessing into which...
Women Ministers
God has been ordaining women for thousands of years. There are a lot of ministries women cannot participate in. Well, actually, not a lot. In fact, there are very few. But it seems people make a big deal over those few...
There is a new and living way. Old Testament Israel had a clergy-laity system. Only one out of twelve tribes, Levi, could function as priests. The Levitical priests were recognized by their special religious vestments (Ex. 28:40-43). They alone could offer...
A Statement of Faith
What do we believe? In the 1990’s, the trend for businesses was to have a company “mission statement” to clearly state what your overall mission was, as a corporation. I always considered it somewhat silly. The company I worked for had...
The Church and the Name
Association and authority are joined in this blessed Person. In the New Testament, there is a close connection between the churches of Christ and the name of Christ. It may, however, be helpful to outline some ways in which the name...
Worship Leaders
Who will help us worship? Contemporary terms such as “worship team,” “worship pastor,” and “worship leaders” have crept into many church gatherings. Are these terms found in Scripture? The answer is “no.” In fact, the concepts are foreign to Scripture. If...
Church Headquarters
The church, like the tabernacle of old, may make a poor impression--until you enter in. Recently, I toured the Canadian headquarters of a company that a friend of mine works for. The complex was impressive, inside and out—intentionally so. The company...