Grace and Glory
Millennial manifestation It is sometimes surmised that the millennium is one of those prophetic details which, although intriguing, has no significant relevance to the real business of day-to-day Christian living. But, when viewed properly, prophecy is vital to proper Christian living,...
Israel’s Ultimate King
“Give us a king!” As the age of the judges came to a close, the political, social, and religious situation in Israel was chaotic. Since the death of Joshua and those that immediately followed him, the people of Israel had been...
Amillennialism: An Overview
Will Christ reign on David’s throne? Ever since the publication of Hank Hanegraaff’s book, Apocalypse Code, the evangelical world has been reminded once again of the great divide that exists between those who hold to an amillennial view of Scripture and...
The Rise of Postmillennialism
Is the world getting better and better? Of the three main views concerning the millennium, postmillennialism is the most recent. There is no trace of anything in the first two or three centuries of the church which could be classified as...
What Will the Millennium be Like?
The reign of the King of glory The Millennium: a term of recent popularity as we moved from the second millennium into the third millennium A.D. just 8 years ago. However, to the student of God’s Word, it holds much greater...
Clear Thinking about Conflicting Views
“In understanding be men” (1 Cor. 14:20) When it comes to the study of last things (eschatology), there are three major views. All three revolve around the return of Jesus Christ in relation to the millennium (Latin mille “thousand” plus annus...
Why Does This Matter?
Rightly dividing the Word is not splitting hairs Whether you realize it or not, you hold to a system of theology. Your system of theology may be well-developed or it may be quite rudimentary. It may be consistent or it...
Tossed Out
How much force does He have to use? To my knowledge, the Lord Jesus gave us only one prayer request.* Do we treat it like we sometimes treat others’ requests? Someone ventures to ask us to intercede for them at a...
The Future of Israel
An assurance of God’s faithfulness Israel continues to dominate world headlines on an almost daily basis. For a small nation with a population of just over seven million, whose land area is about the same size as New Jersey, it holds...