The Roots of Truth
The New Testament is rich with helpful ideas—if we know where to look. A good gardener of biblical ideals is not only occupied with truth’s flower but with the whole dynamic of growth from seed thought to full realization. We are...
A New Heart
Inside out It is quite common for an unbeliever to believe that mankind, although not perfect, is fundamentally good. Even many believers hold to a watered-down form of this belief where they technically admit that every one of us is a...
A Sound Heart
Submitting to the truth "A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones.” The will, the intellect, and the emotions—the very core or heart of man—is fallen. One need not turn very many pages in...
After God’s Own Heart
Does my heart work like His? Most of us will recognize the title topic as a description of David, as recorded in 1 Samuel 13:14. Paul also makes reference to it in Acts 13:22, and this is perhaps even more instructive...
A Joyful Heart
Enjoying the Christian life depends on our focus I once went to my father and said, “ I’m not happy, Dad.” He patiently sat down with me in his study and listened to my woes. After a nice chat, he sent...
A Broken Heart
Brokenness: The pathway to blessing Normally, when something breaks it loses value. For example, a collision decreases the worth of an automobile, and a shattered keepsake is remorsefully discarded as a total loss. Within the physical realm, the laws of nature...
A Willing Heart
Eager or reluctant? The Law that God gave to His Old Testament people, Israel, contained a great many commandments pertaining to the moral and spiritual lives of each individual. But it is not without significance that, proportionally, far and away the...
A Pure Heart
“Clean the inside … that its outside may become clean also.” In a modern world so full of the artificial, and so transformed by the synthetic, we have almost lost an appreciation for the authentic. Society has traded foundational life principles...