The King of Glory Returns
At the outset of His last visit to Jerusalem prior to the cross, the Lord Jesus stood outside the city and uttered these poignant words: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto...
The Hosanna Highway
In the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the synoptic Gospels present us with a delightful picture of some of the finest pre-resurrection worship in the Bible. As we read these accounts in Matthew 21, Mark 11, and Luke 19, our hearts...
The Valley Route to Greatness
We live in a world of celebrities. Media and web technology have brought the lure of earthly greatness to the fingertips of millions. Thousands line up to audition for reality TV shows and a chance at fame. Others claw their...
A Face Set Like Flint
Every nation has its heroes and heroines. Governments often set aside a day to honor the brave men and women who have served in defending their country. The United States celebrates Veterans Day. Fellow citizens of our nation take a...
Lessons on Emmaus Rd.
Luke 24:13-35 records the story of two disheartened disciples and how the Lord met them in their need. There are many times in our lives when we may feel like the two forlorn travelers walking the Emmaus Road. We thought...
Seeds for Hard Pathways
The road of the Sower leads us to Capernaum, the home base of our Lord’s ministry. Capernaum was located to the north of the heart-shaped Sea of Galilee, the heart of His ministry. There He performed the majority of His...
On the Road Past Sorrow
Starting in Luke 6:20 and continuing to 6:49, the Lord Jesus gives a sermon, either a condensed version of Matthew’s account or a second Sermon on the Mount. This sermon is preached on a level place, which could be either...
Unity, Uniformity, and Unanimity
They’re not all the same. We know that the unity of His people is very dear to the heart of our Lord Jesus because it is one of the subjects He prayed about shortly before going to the cross (Jn. 17:20-23)....