Magazine Issue Articles

Monday, May 1, 1995

Five Portraits of Christ

There are large numbers of God's beloved people who have never carefully studied the marvelous types of the Person and work of Christ given us in the early chapters of Leviticus. Here we have five distinct offerings, all displaying various...

Monday, May 1, 1995

Dancing with What?

Some of us who heard Dr. David Gooding warn about the inroads of Eastern Orthodox views into the church-at-large at the Mission 93 Conference in Cincinnati wondered at the relevance of warning about these mystical heresies. But now we see that...

Monday, May 1, 1995

The Sin Offering

While the burnt offering gives us that aspect of the work of Christ which was a "sweet savor unto God," that is, His perfect obedience unto death, the sin-offering, given in Leviticus 4:1 through 5:13, is altogether different. Instead of...

Monday, May 1, 1995

The Burnt Offering

How wonderful the book of Leviticus becomes to us when we find that, instead of mere Jewish ritual, we have precious things in it concerning the Lord Jesus Himself. And when we find that each one of the offerings gives...

Monday, May 1, 1995

The Trespass Offering

Leviticus 5:14 through 6:7 contains the doctrine of the trespass offering, of which there were two distinct kinds, namely, trespass against God, and trespass against man. "If a soul commit a trespass, and sin through ignorance, in the holy things of...

Monday, May 1, 1995

The Peace Offering

The distinguishing feature of the peace offering (Lev. 3) is that Jehovah, the priest, and the offerer all have a portion in it. In this it differs from the burnt-offering. There, it was Jehovah receiving His portion. The whole of...

Monday, May 1, 1995

The Meal Offering

The meal-offering, described in Leviticus 2, was a sweet-savor offering, and so could be put on the altar as the food of God. It did not represent Christ primarily in His death because there was no life taken, nor any...

Monday, May 1, 1995

The Live Bird Offering

How very good God has been in giving us such plain pictures in His Word, setting forth man's moral condition and great deliverance through the death and resurrection of Jesus. What a terrible picture of sin leprosy is--a living death of...

Saturday, April 1, 1995

Toronto Blessing: Strange Fire?

I first came into contact with the Vineyard Movement several years ago when I heard that some young men from various assemblies of believers, interested in church planting, were being encouraged to learn how under the ministry of John Wimber...
