Magazine Issue Articles

Wednesday, November 1, 1995

Why You Should Go

It's already dark as our 747 thunders in over the Israeli coast at Tel Aviv. I'm here on a ten-day trip with thirty-five others to explore and learn in the land that is like no other. I never intended on coming...

Wednesday, November 1, 1995

I’ve Been to the Mountaintop

Reluctantly we turn our backs on the sweet Galilee but with mounting expectation make our way south towards Jerusalem. This is the day we will wind our way past scores of mountains and valleys so significant that God included them...

Wednesday, November 1, 1995

Fight the Good Fight

From the moonscapes at the Dead Sea to the lush farmland of the coastal plain, from the black Bedouin tents on the edge of the Negev to the forested foothills of the Shephelah, we will find it hard to take...

Wednesday, November 1, 1995

Outside the Walls

There is, as can be imagined, much to interest a Bible student in the bustling, modern city of Jerusalem. We tour the sobering Yad Vashem, the heart-rending Holocaust Memorial, complete with its Avenue of Righteous Gentiles, those who helped the...

Wednesday, November 1, 1995


The morning dawns clear and brisk as the salt sea breeze off the Mediterranean awakens us to our first full day in Israel. We will be journeying along the coastal plain today, then around the end of Carmel to Haifa, across...

Wednesday, November 1, 1995

The Curse & the Blessing

I am awake early to watch the sun spread its rippling sheet of gold across the surface of the Galilean lake. Palm fronds stir in the morning breeze along the edge of this subtropical inland sea. A few fishing boats...

Wednesday, November 1, 1995

At Last!

We notice the bullet-pocked walls above the Zion Gate as we enter the confines of the Old City. They are a grim reminder that Yerushalayim, the City of Peace, has hardly lived up to its name. These bullet scars were...

Wednesday, November 1, 1995

How to Prepare for a Trip to Israel

Any tour travels at the rate of the least interested person. If someone comes along "for a holiday," and complains about the food or accommodations, is the last one on the bus every day, gripes about not enough shopping time,...

Wednesday, November 1, 1995

Peace & Safety

Is Middle East peace an oxymoron?* It certainly seems so. Jerusalem (meaning, the city of peace) has heard the march of earth's armies through her streets perhaps more than any other. As Charles Gulston writes in his classic Jerusalem: the...
