Magazine Issue Articles

Tuesday, October 1, 1996

Are the Ten Tribes Lost?

A separate kingdom from that which the Lord established in Jerusalem, comprising ten of the twelve tribes, was set up under Jeroboam in bc 975 and its whole history of 250 years is one long, dark tale, unrelieved by the...

Tuesday, October 1, 1996

Joseph-Beloved and Hated

W. Graham Scroggie, the widely known preacher and author,  wrote of Joseph, "...Of all Hebrew characters, he is the most perfect type of Christ. We see him in three aspects: first, as the princely son; second, as the patient sufferer;...

Tuesday, October 1, 1996

The Son of Jacob

Judah typifies Christ as king; Levi foreshadows the Lord as priest. No one in Israel could function as both king and priest. The Pharaohs professed that they were sons of Ra, the chief god. Augustus Caesar became the chief priest...

Sunday, September 1, 1996

Never, Never, Never. Never!

The door would slam against the sultry summer afternoon. My ball glove would be tossed deftly into the cubbyhole behind the door and I would take the stairs two at a time up to the kitchen. Then I would spit...

Sunday, September 1, 1996

The Traitor: Judas

Judas was a man with a native frailty which was his undoing because he did not bring it to the Saviour for subduing. His weakness lay very close to his strength. He was a man of keen business sense, which...

Sunday, September 1, 1996

Why Christ Had to Go

Why did Christ have to go? If witness to the world was the main task that lay ahead, how would it not be far better for Him to stay and conduct that witness Himself? How could it make sense for...

Sunday, September 1, 1996

Question Time at the Table

In John 14 four men ask four questions and the Lord gives four answers. It is interesting to note that a part of the Passover recorded in Exodus 12 was a question-and-answer period. When the children at the table asked:...

Sunday, September 1, 1996

Christ Reveals the Father

Though our Lord was pre-eminent in His prayer life, as in all else, we could form but a meager conception of the character of His prayers, had it not pleased God to leave on record this wonderful example of intercession,...

Sunday, September 1, 1996

Power for Witnessing

If the circle of love is surrounded by a circle of hate--a persecuting world that hates the disciples of Christ with a blind hatred--how will any testimony for Christ be maintained on the earth, when Christ Himself has gone? The Christian...
