Magazine Issue Articles

Wednesday, January 1, 1997

The Camp of the Saints: Numbers 5-6

In the early chapters of the book of Numbers, the author has invited his readers to consider three classes in the camp of Israel. The warrior enrolled at twenty years of age, the Levite enlisted at twenty-five, and the priest's...

Wednesday, January 1, 1997

A Song of Satisfaction: Exodus 15

In Israel's Song of Liberation (Ex. 15), beautifully simple and refreshing to the spirit, God is everything and satisfaction is the result. Even though you may have been a long time on the wilderness journey, yet you can turn back...

Wednesday, January 1, 1997

It’s Desert, All Right

Our plane rose toward the morning sun as we left behind the narrow slice of green that hugs either side of the Nile River. Ahead of us lay the forbidding wastes of the Sinai Peninsula. As far as the eye...

Wednesday, January 1, 1997

A New Year’s Prayer

"This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you" (Ex. 12:2). New Year's resolutions are good but fragile, that is, easily broken. New Year's prayers are better; they ascend...

Wednesday, January 1, 1997

The Importance of the Old Testament

Many Christians will admit the Old Testament confuses them and they really do not know its themes very well. Why should we make the effort to grasp its message? It is inspired Scripture: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God,...

Wednesday, January 1, 1997

Feasts in the Epistles

In the epistles--Romans through Jude--the word "feast" or "feasts" is mentioned only four times. Three of these references evidently refer to collective gatherings that include the saints of God. There is significant teaching relevant to these three references. A feast in...

Sunday, December 1, 1996

Our Man is In

Did some U. S. Christians cast their ballots for the incumbent in the recent election? Then surely they must have uneasy consciences about their choice for what ought to be obvious reasons. Probably more Christians voted for the Republican nominee....

Sunday, December 1, 1996

High Priest & Advocate

The great work which the Lord Jesus came to do was to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. This finished work of the cross is the basis of His present and future work. What mind can estimate the...

Sunday, December 1, 1996

Our Refuge in Christ

In the Old Testament God made provision for the person who committed manslaughter--the unintentional killing of another individual. In five separate passages (Ex. 21:12-14; Num. 35:6-34; Deut. 4:41-43; 19:1-13; and Josh. 20:1-9) God gives thorough instruction for the establishment and...
