Magazine Issue Articles

Wednesday, October 1, 1997

The Object of Suffering

There is something wholesomely energetic about Simon Peter's forthright manner. The Spirit of God always uses the servants of the Lord consistent with their characters, and this is seen here in connection with Simon. The burden of the entire ministry...

Wednesday, October 1, 1997

What Rock? What Keys?

For two-and-a-half years our Lord had lived among His apostles. Making Himself of no reputation, He had given them no certain clue to His dignity. Yet "He could not be hid." To quote the words of His evangelist and friend,...

Wednesday, October 1, 1997

Peter Prayed out of Prison

Peter had been a leader among the believers in Jerusalem. They had been accustomed to rely on his judgment. They had learned to love him for the manliness of his nature and the generous impulses of his heart; and they...

Monday, September 1, 1997

It’s a Non-Issue

I'm not happy to tell you that I live in the same state as the disqualified pathologist, Jack "the Dripper" Kevorkian, Dr. Death. But his diabolical campaign to legalize "physician-assisted suicide" (PAS) is just one of a dozen or more...

Monday, September 1, 1997

Euthanasia: A Christian Perspective

Some of the most difficult problems faced by medical practitioners today are not strictly medical but ethical. For example, when--if ever--is it right to withhold medical treatment of a terminally ill patient, or even to prescribe medication that will hasten...

Monday, September 1, 1997

Catch the Vision!

On Resurrection Sunday, this year, I was speaking with a beloved servant of the Lord, "What was the biggest need among the Lord's people at the present time?" I asked. We spoke about the very encouraging crop of youth people...

Monday, September 1, 1997

Good Science or Playing God?

Genetic engineering is the technology of modifying the genes of an organism to bring about change. Scientists have done this in a sense for millennia through selective breeding to increase crops, create cows that would give more milk and so...

Monday, September 1, 1997

To Kill!

Aimee Allison, 22, is a recent Stanford graduate who has applied for a conscientious objector (CO) discharge from the military. Here is her account of her experience in training as recorded in The Plough, May-June, 1992. Bayonet training was one of...

Tuesday, July 1, 1997

Healthy, Wealthy & Wise

Technically, I'm a one-aunt man. My father had one sister, Ellen, who was caught Home as a child, and my mother had only one sister, my dear Aunt Helen. Through the years she has borne more than her share of...
