Magazine Issue Articles

Thursday, January 1, 1998

A Long Thaw Begins

It was on the evening of March 18, 1933, after some interested readers of our tracts invited us for a "mission" among them, that Noah Gratton and I took the train from Montreal on the long, slow journey to the...

Thursday, January 1, 1998

A Sweet Aroma

We have always grown lilacs in our yard, looking forward each year for their heavenly-scented blossom announcing, "Spring is here again!" This year, for the first time, I decided to do an oil painting of a bloom from our favorite bush....

Thursday, January 1, 1998

The Great Mystery

This great mystery was officially, though not exclusively, revealed in Ephesians (chs. 2 and 3; see also Rom. 16 and Col. 2). In this epistle, the Church is mentioned nine times, and in each case in a special connection. An Eternal...

Thursday, January 1, 1998

Church Truth in the Dock

Unless we're careful about who's in the room at the time, the mere mention of New Testament church truth can spark instant and hostile retaliation. "That's divisive!" "Isn't it arrogant to think that we're right and everyone else is wrong?"...

Thursday, January 1, 1998

The Search for God’s Design

In September of 1978, I was nineteen but it seemed I was going on forty. I had lived my young life in debauchery. No sin was too great to attempt. Yet God had divine intentions for me, intentions of grace...

Thursday, January 1, 1998

To What Church Do You Belong?

As Paul contemplated the unity of all true believers, he burst into a sevenfold exclamation: "One body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one, faith, one baptism, one God and...

Thursday, January 1, 1998

Found in an Old Book

Over two years ago, I began a Bible study in our home with some of our closest friends. I was the music director in a large denominational church at the time, of which I was one of six founding members...

Monday, December 1, 1997

And He Will

There are now more fortune tellers in France than there are medical doctors. Their evening TV offers news, weather, sports...and your horoscope reading. Wicca is one hot item (if you will excuse the word association) and almost every bookstore has...

Monday, December 1, 1997

A Call to Faithfulness

Steadfast, loyal, conscientious, true, committed. These are only a few words which help us to define faithfulness. Faithfulness produces both blessing and suffering. We all like blessing but tend to avoid suffering. Yet we cannot have one without the other....
