The Devil’s Trapline
What would you think of a liege lord who, being repeatedly attacked by an enemy at a weak spot in his defenses, failed to move his troops into the gap? Why does the devil keep using the same tactics against...
Christ’s Impeccability
All Christians agree that the Lord Jesus did not sin while He was on the earth, but sooner or later most Christians face the question, "Could He have sinned?" This is an important question and, as we consider it, reverence...
The Strategy of the Enemy
The apostle Paul warned the believers at Corinth to be spiritually alert, not being ignorant of the devil's "devices" lest he take advantage of them (2 Cor. 2:11). Although they had been established in the faith, this gifted but immature...
Impervious to Sin
Four incidents, the most extreme of their class, serve to illustrate how Christ's nature was impervious to sin. Physical Defilement (Lk. 5:12-13): The "man full of leprosy," who sought healing from the Lord, represents the worst form of that most loathsome...
Is there an Eternal Hell?
The question has been raised: Can you be a Christian and not believe in a literal, eternal hell? Some today believe in universal reconciliation, that ultimately all will be in heaven in the presence of God. Many would ask, "How...
How God Treats Sin
I knew of a little girl, not more than eight or nine years old, who had been disobedient. Her mother, perhaps not wisely, said to her: "Go upstairs to your bedroom, and tell God all about your naughtiness, and don't...
Complete Deliverance from Sin
It is an obvious fact that when a Christian dies and goes to heaven he is completely delivered from the power of sin. It is manifestly impossible that sin can have any power or authority over a dead man. But...
Who Really Writes History?
We know how difficult it is to see things as they really are. Ophthamologists tell us that our eyes actually see everything upside down. Our brain then turns the information rightside up. And what we call a blue shirt is...
Who Were “the Fathers”?
"The first century following the death of the Apostles produced few Christian writers, few men of learning or note. For the most part, the Christians of those days were concerned about living Christianity and they found in the Scriptures all...