The Strategy of the Enemy

The apostle Paul warned the believers at Corinth to be spiritually alert, not being ignorant of the devil’s “devices” lest he take advantage of them (2 Cor. 2:11). Although they had been established in the faith, this gifted but immature assembly was admonished to be wary of the devil’s strategies so that he would not gain a foothold and mar their testimony for Christ. Loud and clear, Paul trumpeted the need for spiritual vigilance.

The same clarion call needs to be sounded today. Believers must be reminded of the spiritual acumen required to recognize and resist the ploys of the adversary so that they do not become moral casualties.

It is both significant and reassuring to know that Satan’s demise is certain, foretold in the Scriptures. His defeat was prophesied in Eden (Gen. 3:15), achieved through the work of Christ (2 Tim. 1:10), and will be consummated in a future day when he is cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:10).

Despite the fact that the Bible declares his defeat, believers are nevertheless exhorted to stand against the wiles of the devil to prevent him from further hindering the work of the Lord. To accomplish this, it is imperative that we understand the ammunition he uses in attempting to destroy the work of God (Jn. 10:10).

One of the most effective tactics of the devil (and perhaps the most commonly used) is deceit. It was through deceit that he was able to persuade Eve to violate the express command of God and eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil–his craftiness through the serpent being an apt picture of his subtlety. By deceit he is able to fool the ignorant masses through the work of false prophets and teachers who are able to transform themselves into apostles of Christ. Paul reminds us: “And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:14). Certainly much that passes for the Lord’s work in Christendom is nothing more than the active work of the enemy who is able to sow tares among the wheat (Mt. 13:36-43) and mix the net of good fish with bad (Mt. 13:47-48).

The Gibeonites are a fitting example of the enemy’s ability to deceive (Josh. 9). Through craftiness, these enemies of Israel pretended to be ambassadors from a far country and were able to effect an alliance with Joshua and the rest of Israel, a pact which proved to be disastrous, and warns us of the harmful effects of failing to ask counsel of the Lord.

When Paul and Silas were involved in an effective gospel campaign, a demon-possessed slave girl interrupted the meetings by continually crying out, “These men are the servants of the most High” (Acts 16:17). Paul was grieved since the message was right but the means of communication was not. He saw in this another ploy of the enemy to confuse the message of salvation in the minds of those listening, just as he does today.

It was through deceit that a man of God in Jeroboam’s day was sidetracked in his service for the Lord by an apparently bitter and backslidden prophet, the man of God tragically paying for this single act of disobedience with his life (1 Ki. 13).

Elisha’s servant who ignorantly picked some wild gourds from a harmless-looking vine during a famine is also a picture of the enemy at work (2 Ki. 4:38-41). When the servant returned to put these poison- ous gourds in the pot, the effect was immediate and could have been fatal. The warning is clear: God’s people need to carefully watch what they pick up, especially when there is a “famine” in the land. What may look harmless, but whose source is a wild vine–that which clings to the earth–will have harmful effects when it is introduced into the “food” of God’s people. Flour, pre-figuring the Person of Christ (cp. Lev. 2) is the proper means by which the destructive effects of false doctrine can be remedied.

Another effective tactic of the devil is dilution–the compromising of God’s Word and ways. When David wanted to bring the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem, he was astounded when God took harsh action by striking Uzzah dead after touching the Ark (2 Sam. 6). Because David had attempted to transport it by means of a rolling Philistine cart instead of carrying it by the divinely-appointed way, God halted David’s celebratory “progress” toward the city, requiring him to initiate a three-month period of biblical examination and self-evaluation. This resulted in modifying his plan to agree with God’s Word (1 Chron. 15:13-15). Once this was accomplished, God blessed his efforts and David proceeded to Jerusalem unhindered. Without realizing, David had diluted the Word of God by failing to do His work His way, and in so doing negated his own good intentions. Since God can never bless the compromising of His ways, whether in matters of salvation or service, we must change our ways to line up with His if we are to expect His blessing. We can be sure that the devil will try to steer believers to mingle God’s ways with theirs and in so doing thwart the work of the Lord.

In much the same way as David’s incident with the ark, the death of Nadab and Abihu occurred because they  were guilty of offering “strange fire” at the inauguration of the tabernacle sacrifices in the wilderness (Lev. 10:1-2). These two men, though privileged above others, had not used coals of fire from the brazen altar as prescribed by God and were struck dead for their disobedience.

We can be sure of this–God does not want half observance or half obedience. Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5), true believers who were also severely judged for partial obedience in the days of the early church. They pretended to be telling the whole truth when they were only telling half (How gracious God is to us!).

Mixing truth with falsehood can never bring God’s blessing, yet how many are daily diluting the story of salvation from pulpits across this land, changing “thus saith the Lord” to “thus saith me” messages. Or worse, how many of God’s people–followers of the One who said, “I AM the Truth”–are like the priests in Ezekiel’s day (Ezek. 8), secretly diluting the work of the Lord in their personal lives while mixing with the ways of the world?

God expects His Word to be wholeheartedly observed. Even the Lord Jesus was challenged in this when the devil suggested to Him to throw Himself off the pinnacle, a clever maneuver to attempt to have the Saviour tempt God–and bypass the cross (Mt. 4:5-7). The devil carefully crafted but compromised the quoting of Scripture. How believers need to be reminded of the words of Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”

Another tactic the devil effectively employs in attempting to frustrate the work of God is dissension. To have “family” members fighting against one another for inexcusable reasons hinders the spiritual progress of God’s people. Certainly there are those instances when action must be taken to maintain doctrinal integrity. At those times saints are enjoined to “earnestly contend for the faith” (Jude 3). But when personality differences, strife, and envy, spill over into our service for the Lord the effect can be highly dishonoring to the Lord.

When Miriam and Aaron dissented against Moses’ leadership, the charge brought against him had an air of legitimacy: “Has the Lord indeed spoken only through Moses? Has He not spoken through us also?” (Num. 12:2). The real reason? Moses’ marriage to an Ethiopian woman (v. 1) did not sit well with his envious and ambitious siblings. God settled the matter privately and brought judgment on Miriam, the primary offending party. What was the fallout from this unnecessary episode? The entire camp was prevented from moving on until after Miriam was brought back into fellowship (vv. 15-16). Such are the far-reaching consequences of dissension in the assembly!

Internal dissension however can be overcome to the glory of God, as it was in the early church. When difficulties arose regarding some practical matters of ministering to the needs of neglected widows, the dissension that emerged threatened to become a distraction and a diversion, twin tactics and an effective device of the devil who surely snickers in the shadows as he throws more fuel on the fire. But properly handled, much good can arise from dissenting opinions and the multitude of perspectives that are characteristic in any meeting of believers. Regardless of the outcome however, each one involved in a difficult matter has the responsibility to honor the Lord in their actions and even more importantly in their attitudes.

Still another strategy of the enemy and a frequently employed tactic is that of discouragement. What a devastating tool this can be both individually and corporately! Anyone seriously involved in the work of the Lord knows how often this intruder needs to be beaten back. When Nehemiah was told ten times by his own brethren that the work of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem would not be completed because the job was too big and the obstacles too many, he rallied the troops with some very simple words: “Remember the Lord!” (Neh. 4:14). When we are discouraged and see little fruit in our lives or in the local assembly, we also need to “remember the Lord!”

Elijah needed to be reminded of this after his outstanding triumph at Carmel. Like so many after a stunning triumph for the Lord, not long afterwards he took a disappointing tumble into the slough of despond. God was at work in his life and the lives of many others in Israel–though he did not see those that had not bowed the knee to Baal. His expectations were misplaced if he wanted to see God at work, the primary cause of his despair. God’s greatest work in the life is done by His still small voice, not by impressive pyrotechnics.

Like Jonah, Elijah’s selfish attitude was the root cause behind his discouragement as he requested of the Lord to take his life. Thankfully, the Lord did not answer that prayer! To have given up in a time of painful and distorted introspection would have been a horrible mistake, as evidenced by the respect and measure of glory that Elijah has had in the minds of Israelites after his life of service was completed (Mal. 4:5; Mt. 16:14; Lk. 9:30-31).

Finally, dread is another weapon used by the enemy of our souls to intimidate believers from wholehearted commitment to the Lord. The first epistle of Peter reminds us that “your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”

Believers are exhorted to be sober, be vigilant, and to resist Satan, being steadfast in the faith (1 Pe. 5:8-9). We are not told to run but to stand, putting on the whole armor of God (Eph. 6:10). All the resources are available to the believer to do so. But some fall victim to dread. In Philippians 1:28, we are reminded to “not in any way be terrified by your adversaries, which is to them a proof of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that from God.” Running is not the answer; resisting him in the faith is.

Nahash the Ammonite is a graphic picture of the devil utilizing this strategy when he came against the men of Jabesh-gilead (1 Sam. 11:1-2). Responding to their request to make an alliance, Nahash made a grisly offer to put out their right eyes first, his strategy (and the devil’s) to make God’s people loose their depth perception–and be come useless warriors. Samson also discovered the blinding influence of sin.

Perhaps the most outstanding example of the enemy’s strategy and the various weapons that he utilizes in battle is seen in Sennacherib’s blasphemous assault against Israel in the days of king Hezekiah. Interestingly, this account is recorded in three separate passages (2 Ki. 18-19; 2 Chron. 32; Isa. 37).

When word was received that Hezekiah had prepared for this assault, Sennacherib sent his messengers to the people to deceive them by saying: “Have I now come up without the Lord to this place to destroy it? The Lord said to me, Go up and destroy this place” (2 Ki. 18:25).

Sennacherib, an avowed enemy of God’s people and self-appointed “great king,” came against Israel with a false message that the Lord was speaking through him–the tool of deceit masterfully used. The next message delivered said in effect; “Do not let Hezekiah deceive you!” (v. 29). How confusing this must have been to the people. Who was telling the truth anyway?

It is the same question that many hearers of false prophets and teachers must ask themselves in our day, when bombarded with conflicting spiritual messages. Even God’s people can be perplexed if not grounded in His Word. But notice the response “…the people held their peace” (v. 36). Amid all the threats designed to instill fear and dread in their hearts, they neither faltered nor did they debate the issue, but stood firm in what they knew to be right. In time, the true picture emerged, as Sennacherib blatantly defied the Lord (2 Ki. 19:10). Victory came to  Israel as Hezekiah trusted the Lord. One angel from the Lord slew 185,000 Assyrians in one night.

Yes, the Adversary has many tactics at his disposal and many weapons in his arsenal. The “depths” (Rev. 2:24) of his strategies and the ability that he possesses to frustrate the purposes of God are indeed astounding. But the child of God is not without a defense in the Lord. Through His Word (the Sword of the Spirit) and by His indwelling power, we have the means by which we are able to recognize and resist his devices. How we need to heed the words of the Lord Jesus: “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!” (Mk. 13:37).

Uplook Magazine, November 1998
Written by Mark Kolchin