Church Discipline
An act of love? Who are we to judge? Isn’t love the prevailing rule of the day? It may surprise some that, in the Bible, church discipline was commanded by Christ (Mt. 18:15-18), demonstrated by apostolic practice (1 Tim. 1:20), and...
A Name
What brand name are you? A friend of mine observed a couple praying for their food in a restaurant. Guessing that they were Christians and encouraged by their boldness in the Lord, he went to their table and introduced himself as...
Help Wanted
Time to check our resumes. What if the elders in our local assembly ran an ad in the newspaper that read something like this: “Help Wanted: seeking qualified Christians to prayerfully share in exacting work to edify others. Must be willing...
God Wants My What?
At first glance, it might appear that God is struggling to fund many programs people claim to execute in His name. “Ministries” abound over the airwaves, soliciting money and offering incentives such as anointing oil, prayer cloths, CDs, books, “club...
A Word About Church Membership
Years ago, a neighbor lady told me she was a “member” of the church down the street and that she “...hadn’t attended for nine years.” Her idea of membership seemed similar to a magazine subscription that could be renewed year...
The Deity of Christ
If Jesus was not God, yet knowingly received worship, He was a blasphemer and all who bow the knee to Him are guilty of idolatry. If Jesus began His existence at His birth, then the eternal Trinity is a fallacy. Neither...
Eternal Security
In July 28, 2006, my mother, Vivian Carol Horn, died in her sleep and, according to the promise of 2 Corinthians 5:1-8, immediately entered the presence of the Lord. The obituary she prepared years in advance of her death read...
Spiritual Gifts
The late Don Welborn defined a spiritual gift as: “A divine endowment and enabling of the sovereign Spirit of God in the life of the believer, given in grace for the express purpose of furthering the spiritual growth and development...