Let Your Men Keep Quiet
Many a spiritual woman has endured less than adequate ministry in silence. If we agree with the silence of the women, make sure the message of the men is profitable. This was the burden of Paul, when writing under the...
Bible or Basketball?
There is a high degree of spiritual appetite among many of the next generation. One assembly I know just completed four weeks of intensive Bible study for the young people, led by a senior man in the assembly. They went...
Three Cheers for the Sunday School
Whatever the social changes that have taken place over the years and their damage to the Sunday School, none can overcome the power of the gospel to reach boys and girls. It is true that we need not cling to...
How We Build Matters
God has a building code when it comes to how we contribute to the construction of the local church. This was one of the Corinthians' problems. They assumed natural and carnal thinking were relevant and helpful in the life of...
Practical Priesthood
"He maketh the rebel a priest and a king," the old hymn says. This is a thrilling discovery for the believer; that God has called each of us to be a priest to God. That which going on in modern...
It Takes Work!
We are only kidding ourselves if we think we can be part of an assembly and not do any work. In the first place, it simply isn't fair to want all the privileges of assembly fellowship and none of the...
Christian Resource Guide
"I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it," said the Lord Jesus in Matthew 16:18. The completion of the New Testament and 2,000 years of church history have served to confirm the power...
The Most Poorly Attended Meeting
You guessed it! The prayer meeting. Treating the prayer meeting as optional cannot continue if we are going to be strong and healthy assemblies. A minority of readers might wonder what the fuss is about. In these rare assemblies, most...
Unity-Watch It!
Unity is not a feeling, but a fact. It was central in the prayer of our Lord in John 17. His desire was that believers should be "one" (Jn. 17:21). Paul picks up the theme in Ephesians 4 where we are...