Must an Elder be Perfect?
“To what degree must a brother conform to the requirements for an elder found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 before he can serve in that capacity? None of us here in our assembly feel we measure up.” The standards...
Issues Regarding Commendation
When an important issue like this arises, it brings to light the spiritual state of everyone involved. Let us first consider the candidate. Over the past few years, this individual will doubtless have faced problems, difficulties, and opportunities that have arisen...
New Testament Pastoral Care
We believe that the principles and practices of the early churches outlined in the New Testament provide guidelines for churches today. This means that we should constantly be measuring ourselves by the New Testament and not by what may currently...
Responsibility for Ministry
Shepherds determine the food that their sheep will consume. When succulent grass is at hand, not too many sheep will stray. However, we should not expect hungry sheep to remain committed to their shepherds if those shepherds are not committed...
Take Heed to Yourselves
Elders must “take heed” to themselves, as well as those under their care. This means they must monitor their own conduct and, when necessary, correct each other. If believers generally are to be so “full of goodness and filled with...
Dare to Be a Pastor!
Some readers may raise their eyebrows to see such a challenge being issued in Uplook. Rest assured we will soon explain what is meant by the title— but first, we have a scenario for you to consider. The believers at Downhill...
The Priority of Elders
The Recognition of Elders Correspondence continues to arrive on this subject and more is welcome. It will be kept for future reference. Before turning now to another topic, it seems fitting to quote from one correspondent in full. Two of his...
How to Handle Unruly Elders
A correspondent asks: “What should be done if an assembly has an ‘elder’ who is obviously unfit for the work, errant, and stubborn? I cannot find any Scripture that provides guidance in such a case.” A somewhat similar situation appears in...
The Desire of an Elder
The Designation of Elders In the March issue of Uplook we asked, “How does a person come to be recognized as an elder?” Unfortunately, the question appears to have been somewhat ambiguous. For instance, one contributor spoke of the qualifications of...