What’s So New About New Year’s?
What can keep the new year from becoming the "same old same old"? How about a handful (that's 5) new things to unwrap and enjoy for the next 365--or at least until the Shout.
Turned Upside Down
Tornadoes tend to do that—turn your life upside down, I mean. But on a mission of mercy to help a dear Christian who had been a step from death and whose life’s papers had been scattered far and wide across...
A Christmas Story by the Fireside
Christmas greetings from your friends at Uplook Ministries! This story reminds us that it's a good time to be thankful—and thoughtful, too.
How Rock Music Saved My Life
Is it true? Rock music saved Jabe Nicholson's life? Yes, and God is always surprising us like that.
P. P. Bliss’ Last Hymn
P.P. Bliss is one of the Church's favorite hymn writers. Who would know that last words he wrote would be such a fitting testimony of faith in God.
He Hears Your Tears
The Lord is the expert at non-verbal communication. On occasion, Jesus said something like: "I couldn't help overhearing what you were thinking" (see Luke 5:22). But He hears a lot more than that!
Treasures From The Darkness
It's good to not keep an inventory of wrongs against us--or of kindnesses done by us either. But God covers the first by Jesus' blood and the second by His wonderful grace.
Waiting at the Last Stop
One great thing about the ever-present Jesus--whatever station you exit from the sad train to Nowhere, He'll be waiting for you.
Mixup or Fixup?
Just one letter makes the difference between Mixup and Fixup. But what a difference it makes! I specialize in the first; God specializes in the second. I'm very glad for that!