C. H. Mackintosh
Charles Henry Mackintosh's life was as colorful as his writing. He was born in Glenmalure Barracks, County Wicklow, Ireland, in October, 1820. His father was a captain in the Highlanders' Regiment, and had served in Ireland during the Rebellion. His...
Michael Sattler
The leaves of autumn teach us, that when our time to exit comes, we should do it aflame for God. During the time of the Reformation there were thousands of martyrdoms. Amidst this throng of worthies few displayed their colors as...
W. E. Vine
What kind of man would write an "Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words"? Would he spend his existence cloistered away in an ivory tower, surrounded by heaps of books, and seldom, if ever, descend to the streets below? Perhaps we...
Celio Secundo Curioni
The musty smell of a room too long away from sunlight gagged in Curioni's throat. It reminded him that he too, had been a long time hidden from the reaches of the sun. It must have been two months now...
Sir Robert Anderson
Then said Great-Heart to Mr. Valiant-for-Truth: "Thou hast worthily behaved thyself. Let me see thy sword." So he showed it to him. When he had taken it in his hand and looked thereon a while, he said, "Ha! it is...
J. J. Rouse
The teenage rascals had caught "Rodney," the old roan horse, and were leading him to the door of the large tent. The boys, whispering, moved quickly. One pulled Rodney's head through the tent entrance. The other boy lifted its tail...
J. N. Darby
John Nelson Darby (1800-1882) remains an enigma, known yet unknown, warmly loved by some, bitterly denounced by others. To this day his gravesite receives a regular pilgrimage of his devotees, while others are still rummaging through his closets, searching for...
Frederick Stanley Arnot
Everyone who has a book written about himself is not of towering proportions. But there are others whose lives and works have been so useful for Christ's kingdom that words such as "mighty," "great," "monumental," and "profound" do not sound...
John Knox McEwan
The need only glance at the book of Acts to find the miraculous at every preaching point. Scoffers were forced to confess, "This is the finger of God." Unlikely conversions, riots and assassination plots awaited the apostles at each new...