
Saturday, February 1, 1992

2 Chronicles

From the joyful worship that accompanied the dedication of Solomon's temple to the disastrous division of the tribes that resulted from Rehoboam's foolish pride; from the establishment of the unified dynasty of David's son to the depths of immorality that...

Wednesday, January 1, 1992

Study Bibles

Just one year ago I emphasized the importance of a good Bible and the need to be a student of it. Above all other books the Bible stands alone in its authority and importance in our lives. But the Bible...

Sunday, December 1, 1991


When was the last time you read a good biography? You should resolve to read at least one in this coming year. Let me define "good biography." A biography that is written to praise a man and exalt his wonderful...

Friday, November 1, 1991

Devotion & Devotions

In my desk at this moment are six daily devotional books. While I was in the retail Christian book business, a number of these were sold just before the end of each year, indicating people were thinking about improving their...

Tuesday, October 1, 1991

Commentary Comments

Since the translation of the Bible into English for the masses, bought and paid for by the blood of noble martyrs, God has given to the English-speaking world scores of gifted men to help explain the text of the Bible....

Sunday, September 1, 1991

Word Study Helps

"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver," the wise preacher once said. We use words to express ideas or to paint pictures in a mind, or to persuade someone to "see it our way."...

Monday, July 1, 1991

A Good Foundation

In Acts 2:42 we read, "And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine . . . " All would agree that this should be one of our goals. But what is the apostles' doctrine? You might answer that it is...

Saturday, June 1, 1991

What About the Future?

We all have an inner compulsion to know what the future holds. Fortune tellers and soothsayers have held a grip on the minds and souls of men for centuries and today's world is no different. Prophecy is a subject that...

Wednesday, May 1, 1991

Two Devotional Classics

A. W. Tozer writes a prayer at the beginning of his book, The Knowledge of the Holy, which says in part, "They that know Thee not may call upon Thee as other than Thou art, and so worship not Thee...
