Using Social Video to Reach the Lost
According to its own statistics, YouTube has 800 million unique users who visit every month. Over three billion videos are viewed every single day. More video is uploaded to YouTube in one month than the three major US networks have...
Effective Church Communications
In colonial times, correspondents depended on friends, merchants, and Native Americans to carry messages between the colonies. These messages were transported by foot, horse, and ship. It was a long, tough road that had no guarantee of success. Along the...
What does a Free Web Site Cost?
You would think the answer to this question is simple: Nothing, right? I hear this all the time, “We have the website the way it is because it doesn’t cost us anything.” What they are really saying is that they...
Web Evangelism Do’s and Don’ts
Last magazine, we saw the power of a website in leading someone to Christ. With that in mind, we turn our attention to dos and don’ts in web evangelism. An effective website has some key components. Here is a list of...
Web Evangelism
Just before the Twin Towers collapsed on September 11, 2001, a woman prayed for the very first time: “God, please save my son, and he doesn’t even have a baby yet, so please spare his life!” Her son, an NYPD...
Sowing the Seed Online
In Matthew 13, the Lord Jesus tells a parable of a farmer who sows seed. In it, He gives us keys to spreading the gospel. In verse 4, Jesus says, “As he (the farmer) was scattering his seed” The main...
Reaching the biggest mission field on earth The Lord Jesus was a people person. His ministry was about building relationships and touching lives with His grace, mercy, and love. He met people where they were—at a well, by a pool, on...
The beauty of blogs is that you can get information to a large number of people. Blog. A funny word. If you blog, you are called a “blogger,” participating in the act of “blogging.” So what is a blog, anyway? The...
First Impressions
Is our website helping or hindering our work? Have you ever been to an unfamiliar city and tried to find a place to eat? It can be tough to decide. How would you choose the right restaurant? Each one is unique,...