The City of the Name
Almost all the great cities of the world share certain characteristics. For example, they often sit astride great waterways. New York has its Hudson; London, the Thames; Paris has the Seine; and Cairo, the Nile. But what of Jerusalem? What...
Job Openings
What kind of person would even think of responding to an ad like this? Only the best. Major investment firm seeks motivated individuals who are desiring “a good work.”1 Such will be called on to make a major investment themselves.2 Previous...
Local Church Discipline
The Lord uses both the rod and staff. So should we. One of the saddest moments in the life of any assembly must be when discipline of a public nature is required. Thankfully, these occasions are few in number, but when...
Finishing the Course
Understanding the trials and triumphs of the shepherds of the flock. During his third missionary journey, the Apostle Paul stopped to bid a brief but poignant farewell to the Ephesian elders (Acts 20:17-38). The tearful parting on the shores of the...
The Headship of Christ
One key aspect of elder rule is “holding the Head.” Every true believer in the Lord Jesus has a deep appreciation for the Saviour’s death, burial, and resurrection. We value, too, His promised return; but what is our understanding of His...
The Care of the Churches
We need men raised up and equipped by God at the helm. The New Testament gives a constant and uniform testimony of the mind of God concerning the provision and work of those to whom is committed the care of local...
Recognizing and Appointing Elders
Should we do it? If so, how? The question sometimes arises, “Should we recognize and/or appoint elders in each local church?” Some believers argue that in Scripture elders were only appointed by apostles or their delegates, and so today we should...
Seven Bright Ideas
We can be thankful for, and confident in, the order of leadership which Christ has established for His Body within each local New Testament Church. From within His flock He raises up a plurality of godly men equipped by the...
John William Bramhall
April 23, 1899 - February 8, 2001 To “remember them which… have spoken unto you the word of God” Hebrews 13:7 tells us, is essential to our spiritual progress. To remember someone that has been a “father in the faith,” mentor,...