The story in Judges 13–16 is intended to both warn and encourage. If we wish honestly to understand what God did and taught through Samson, we must ask ourselves not what any fanciful mind can now, in the light of...
Deborah and Barak
Deborah was no feminist; but her private ministry made a huge impact. [dropcap] I [/dropcap]srael’s third fall into gross idolatry recorded in the book of Judges occurred during the eighty years of rest and quiet following the judgeship of Ehud (3:30)....
Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar
Singular men of God in a pluralistic society. It is the sad record of ecclesiastical history that the Church has generally been unfaithful to the call of God. It is obvious, because of this, that restoration collectively is no longer possible....
Ruth Gleaning
We know where the field is, too! Boaz was a “mighty man of wealth.” This expression is not found in Scripture anywhere else, but you know that Boaz is a picture of the Lord Jesus, our Kinsman. There is no...
Elijah, Groves, and Muller
Is the God of the ravens still our God today? Elisha’s heart was heavy as he accompanied Elijah across the Jordan River on the day when God would take Elijah away. When they came to the Jordan, Elijah took his...
How Jephthah Fulfilled His Vow
“He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not” (Ps. 15:4). In a Bournemouth art gallery there is a series of paintings by Edwin Long depicting the story of Jephthah. The largest of them pictures the return from battle,...
Gideon’s 300 Lappers
Taking the taste test made all the difference. Vigilance is the price of safety. Two Bible texts might well be written over this account, namely, the words of the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 22:14: “Many are called, but few...
Jotham’s Parable
A helpful present application to a story from the distant past. The variety of gifts in the Church is in itself a forcible reminder of the indispensability of any member. All are essential to the well-being of the whole. Since...
Ruth Redeemed
What an eloquent “Moreover”! “Moreover I want her to be my wife.” Nothing but Christ and a definite personal link with Him will avail for us in our need. We have to learn under divine teaching the utter inadequacy of...