Four Fundamental Truths
It is capable of demonstration that every great expansion in Christian history has been a product of some type of re-thinking of fundamental ideas. It is necessary to remember that too frequently old truths, losing their vitality, have become a...
I Have Christ; What Want I More?
The Epistle to the Hebrews seems to have been written in view of the fall of Jerusalem, and the removal of the established form of religion initiated by Jehovah when Israel was delivered from Egypt. The holy places made with...
Spiritual Strength
In this graphic, soul-stirring section of the book of Isaiah there is enshrined one of the most needed messages for today. Chapter 40 deals with comfort, and presents the God who is incomparable in His strength and sympathy. The content...
Leaving It Behind
Nothing focuses the soul on what is truly important as much as the thought of leaving this world behind. Sometimes the more things we have, the harder it is to die. But what exactly will we be leaving here? 1. Material...
A Lesson for Living
The Scripture gives us total guidance for salvation and how, though sinful, we may get to heaven. It also teaches us salutary lessons for our welfare, and the Lord’s glory, while we are on the upward path. I have learned from...
What Can One Person Do?
I remember seeing a cartoon. Crowds of people stretched to the horizon. From each mouth was coming the same question: What can one person do? This issue of Uplook is dedicated to inspire your own answer to that question. A few...
The Place of Prayer in Soul Winning
The worker whose supreme desire and passion is to be used in co-operation with the Holy Spirit in the winning of men to Christ must master in some degree the holy art of intercession. If the Master wept and prayed...
The Challenge of Soul Winning
By virtue of the fact that one is a Christian, one is a witness for Christ. I may or may not be a good witness, but nevertheless I am one. Jesus said, “…ye shall be witnesses unto Me…” (Acts 1:8)....