The Day of Atonement
By Himself Several key features of the Day of Atonement can be summarized as follows. 1. The title the Day of Atonement occurs only in Leviticus 23:27-28, as part of a section which stresses the responsibilities of the people in general. The...
The Day of the Lord: Darkness
It’s Closing Time The phrase the Day of the Lord is used in two different, yet connected, ways in Scripture. It is used in a broad way to speak of the whole Tribulation and the Millennial Kingdom. The broad use puts...
The Day of Christ
Morning is breaking In the book of Philippians, Paul speaks of “the day of Christ” three times (Php. 1:6, 10; 2:16). In each of these verses, it is clear that he is referring to the rapture and the rewards associated with...
The Day of Visitation
Who is that at the door? The day of visitation is an expression found only a few times in the Bible. In light of this event, we are exhorted as believers to keep our “conduct honorable among the Gentiles, that…they may…glorify...
Two Days: Today
The Bible highlights two days—two today’s—in the history of Israel’s possession of the promised land. The first today reminds us of the time Israel stood on the very brink of blessing and refused to enter. “Today, if you would hear His...
The Emotions of Christ
In considering the emotions of our Lord Jesus, we are treading on holy ground. It is all too easy to jump to conclusions and make errors that, while unintentional, are still irreverent. This topic affects our understanding of the very...
What Makes God Weep?
John 11:35 is the shortest verse in all of the Bible. It contains only two words, yet it is one of the most intriguing verses in all of Scripture. In this verse, we see a rare glimpse into the emotions...
What Makes God Angry?
The wrath of a Lamb? We hear of the meek and lowly Jesus and conclude that anger is foreign to His character. Many view God as either a God of love or a God of anger. Centuries ago, God was seen...
What Makes God Sick?
Tepid times again When John wrote to the assembly at Laodicea, it could not be called a Christ-centered assembly. It had been at one time (Col. 4:15) but now it was the only one of the seven assemblies in Revelation where...