For the King
"there they dwelt with the king for his work" (1 Chron. 4:23) The Chroniclers lived in the fourth century before Christ. They were, one may suppose, scribes of the order instituted by Ezra. Here and there, in the dry enumeration of...
The Secret of Power
The answer is so simple and should be so obvious that we are apt to miss it. My beloved friend, D. L. Moody, is not a genius. He has no scholastic training. For many years he sold boots and shoes in...
More on Miracles
Do we still believe in a miracle-making God? There is a whole branch of the Christian scene that features miracles of sorts. Benny Hinn, on his beautifully designed web site, states in an article titled Miracles are for Today: “The Bible...
Witnessing by our Lives
Let them taste the fruit of your abiding in Christ. Right from the start we do well to humbly and gladly recognize that the Holy Spirit is sovereign in all that has to do with the conviction and conversion of souls....
The Spirit of Truth
Christ-like thinking about the Spirit The upper room ministry of our Lord Jesus is a testament to His gracious care for His disciples. Truly, “having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end.” In those...
Sanctification by the Spirit
He is, after all, the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament, the tabernacle and the priests who served in it were sanctified to the Lord. Given the detail of the instructions regarding its structure and their service, one might be excused...
What is in Your Hand?
You'll be amazed at what God can do with it. God had appeared to Moses as he was shepherding the flock of his father-in-law Jethro in the wilderness. He had spelled out the commission He had for Moses. God had chosen...
Led by the Spirit
What is your heart's desire? Jim went to the medicine cabinet to take some cough medicine. Unfortunately, the moisture in the bathroom had caused the labels of two similarly shaped bottles to peel off. One contained the desired medication, the other...