Spiritual Gifts
What are spiritual gifts? They are not: • natural talents • secular skills • evidences of spirituality but they are: • the God-given ability to serve Him in a particular way – Rom. 12; 1 Cor. 12 • manifestations of Christ’s character • the permanent gifts all reflect...
He Does All Things Well
What does perfection look like? In Mark 7:37, the multitude praised the Lord Jesus with these words: “He hath done all things well,” and they were right. But I wonder if we spend much time thinking about what those words mean....
Gifts of Grace
Four words and four principles. There are in the New Testament four words that describe the gifts God has given to the church. First of all, they are called “spiritual gifts,” reminding us that they are given by the Spirit of...
The Gift of Tongues
Sense out of confusion The gift of tongues is one of the most controversial and misunderstood gifts found in the New Testament. We are first introduced to this gift in Acts 2, where it says, “And they [the disciples] were all...
Discovering Your Spiritual Gift
Finding a focus Once upon a time, two friends were building their houses on adjacent lots. One house made good progress, but the other seemed to struggle. Concerned for his friend, the man whose house was now getting its roof...
The Use of Spiritual Gifts
Maximizing our effectiveness The common expression “It’s not what you say, but how you say it” reminds us of a key biblical principle on the use of our spiritual gifts. The apostle Paul, when writing to the saints in Rome, expressed...
Methodical Missionaries
How did they “preach the gospel to “every creature”? "And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom…” (Mt. 9:35). All? How many were there? In His final instructions to...
Should We Plan?
In every other area of life, most people think it is advisable to have a plan: plan your work and then work your plan, they say. Homemakers should plan their grocery shopping with a list and not buy on impulse....