Not to Abolish the Law, but to Fulfill It
The schoolmaster gracefully retires. What did our Lord mean in Matthew 5:17-20 when He said He had not come to destroy the Law but to fulfill it? The reader will do well to realize that this is no simple question....
Not to do My own Will
The Saviour’s standard Our Lord spoke of His Father’s will several times in chapters 4 to 6 of John’s gospel. His statements reveal that will to be of paramount importance. His food First, He told His disciples in chapter 4 that God’s...
Not to Destroy Men’s Lives, but to Save Them
His kindness leads us to repentance. "For the Son of Man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them” (Lk. 9:56). In the paragraph where the Lord speaks these words, we are told that the time had come...
Not to Call the Righteous, but Sinners
Who can forgive sins but God alone? The synoptic gospels all record an event in the early public ministry of Christ that would, in many ways, define His ministry. Matthew, the tax collector, had just been called to be a...
Getting it Right
Know your adversary. But know your Advocate as well. In seeking to reclaim territory for the Rightful Heir, we will encounter the Enemy at every turn. Called Satan, the Dragon, the Devil, Lucifer, the Serpent, and the Accuser among other names,...
The Indescribable Giver
Seeking the greatest blessing We all know the joy a gift can bring. Children sometimes make gift lists (one of our sons once helpfully divided his list into “reasonable” and “unreasonable”) in the hopes of things to come. As we grow,...
Gifted to Give
Whose gift is it anyway? "Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night stays these courageous couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” Though Herodotus wrote these familiar words some 2500 years ago, it wasn’t until 1912—when they...
Temporary Spiritual Gifts
“... when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away.” In the early stages of church history, as recorded in the Acts, the ministry of the apostles was accredited by accompanying supernatural demonstrations of power—the dispensing of healing, speaking in...