Keep On Keeping On
Having been allowed by God to see thousands of natives in the Solomon Islands turned from the darkness of their devil worship to the light of the Gospel, I can confidently witness that this has been accomplished wholly through the...
It is the Last Hour
This present period of time, from the Cross to the coming of the Lord, is looked at in two ways. It is a day to be followed by a night; it is a night to be succeeded by a day...
The Pinnacle: A Tempting Place
The storm warnings are out. The nations, like a troubled sea, foam and lash against each other (Isa. 57:20). In the midst of the gale lies Eretz Israel. More fearsome waves have crashed upon its shores than anywhere else in...
The Fifth Sparrow
"Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?" Luke 12:6 It was a beautiful winter day. I was sitting on the veranda of a southern hotel enjoying the sunshine and sky. Suddenly...
Prayer Power
While Alexander Marshall was preaching in a country district, near Orillia, using a tent, the prejudice among the people was terrible. Within two thousand yards from the Gospel tent lived an Irishman, who was a very devout Episcopalian. It was...
The Supremacy of Christ
What an elixir for the soul is provided in the contemplation of the greatness and glories of our Lord Jesus Christ! God has declared that He "gave Him to be head over all things." He has also decreed that "He...
The Ongoing Need
In response to an article on the life of F. S. Arnot in our March 1991 issue, we were sent a copy of a news item published in Britain at the time of one of Arnot's visits to his homeland....
Things that Matter
"While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal" (2 Cor. 4:18). "The heavens...