Messengers of Mercy
In his book, Abraham; or, the Obedience of Faith, F. B. Meyer entitled his comments on Genesis 19, "Angel Work in a Bad Town." It might seem strange to think of the presence of holy angels in sinful Sodom, but...
The Almighty Servant
The ways in which the Lord is presented to us in Scripture show how near to dual personality we have to come in any simple apprehension of its statements. Their very boldness (when we realize who it is that is...
The Christian’s Commission
This commission relates primarily to the apostles, who were first in privilege as they were in suffering, but it applies to every believer today. Each Christian has been sent into the world for a definite object. The words "as" and "so"...
You Don’t Belong to Yourself
Slowly, very slowly, does this mighty truth grip us. "Redeemed," "bought," "ransomed," are words familiar to us all, but how little we sometimes appreciate what flows out of them! In eternity we shall come to know and happily acknowledge what...
He’s Really Coming!
It was any thirteen-year-old boy's wildest dream. Two months off from school. Traveling through Central America with his dad. The Yucatan jungle. Army ants. Man-eating snakes. Exploration up the Belize River. Snorkeling off the second longest coral reef on the...
Wrath or Rapture?
Is the rapture of the Church the next thing on the divine agenda? Could it not be possible that the Great Tribulation will intervene? Does it really matter? Some go so far as to suggest a kind of prophetic agnosticism,...
Things Which Cannot Be Shaken
There are seasons in life when everything seems to be shaking. Old landmarks are crumbling. Venerable foundations are upheaved in a night and are scattered abroad as dust. Guiding buoys snap their moorings, and go drifting down the channel. Institutions...
I Press Toward the Mark
Philippians chapter 3 is one of the most outstanding chapters in Holy Writ on the great theme of Christian endeavor. Paul first enumerates those things that had placed him in the front rank of Jewish culture and learning, things that had...
The First World Conqueror
World conquest has been the objective of kings, emperors, rulers, and dictators from the dawning of time. Over and over again great empires have arisen to fling their armies ruthlessly on their fellow creatures in order to gain their objective,...