Caught in the Middle
The middle-aged might complain with some justice that the Church makes no special provision for them. The lambs of the flock are well shepherded; the problems of youth we are never allowed to forget. Old age receives the consideration it...
Bourne of Four
In Mark 2, we see four men bearing a fifth to the Lord for help. Notice how they dealt with the obstacles they encountered on the way. Nothing deterred their resolute determination to accomplish their task, namely, to bring a...
The Temptation of our Lord
Many of the moral signs of the last perilous times are with us today, among which we may note false teachers, who are at once "deceivers and being deceived" (2 Tim. 3:13). While undermining the faith of the saints, they...
Growing Super Churches
In years past, most Protestant churches in the U.S.A. were fairly small, numbering one hundred to three hundred or less in their congregations, according to Time (August 5, 1991). But now a new phenomenon is taking place in the proliferation...
Frail in Body? Mighty in Spirit!
We have a growing reverence for the aged. It ever was and is a characteristic of Jewish religious life to honor the aged. It is a touching and beautiful sight to view one in the sunset of life, waiting at...
Vox Populi, Vox Caelestis
Individually, they would have been startling enough. But juxtaposed, as they were, on pages one and three of our daily newspaper made them absolutely shocking. The front page article couldn't help but stir up joy in every Christian's heart. "BELIEVERS?"...
The Book of Wonders
In Psalm 119, verse 129, we read: "Thy testimonies are wonderful." So the Word of God testifies to its own wonders. This world has seen many wonderful books, judging from human standards; but we want to write about the most...
Our Home Bible Study Heritage
More than one hundred and fifty years ago, a group of men, committed to following the truth no matter the cost, met to study the Word of God. Out of these simple Bible readings, there grew a movement which exerted...
Preparing the Way
Inasmuch as it has pleased God to reveal Himself through a book -- the Bible -- it is proper that we should understand the special means used in compiling that holy Book. History, as far as the Scriptures were concerned, was...