Filling the Gap

Who will fill the gap? This ringing challenge completed the biography of a brother just recently gone to glory. For many years, the man had held a responsible job at a large firm. He had raised a family and had also been, at various times in his life, a Sunday School teacher, a young people’s leader, an elder, a writer, and a gifted and busy preacher. But now his place is empty, and who will fill the vacancy? Will there be young men and women who will rise up for God and serve their generation with the same zeal as those who have gone before?

It seems that there are those who believe that the answer to this question is no, and they can go on at length to explain why. What a hopeless situation we are in if this hypothesis is true. We pray it is not. This is not to deny that we are faced with a challenge from our young people that is critical and serious, but certainly from before the time when David said, “Remember not the sins of my youth,” young people have been a challenge. How thankful we are that we have a Lord who delights in challenges! Many of our young people desire to rise up for God. We need to pray that they would fill the gap. We need to equip them and encourage them to rise to the challenge. What are some practical steps to further that objective?

Take An Interest

A recurring theme in Acts declares the Church was consistently found “together with one accord.” The generation-gap mentality of our day has damaged this much-needed unity in our assemblies, and no group has suffered more than the young. They are at a formative age, when they need people to take an interest in them. Yet too often they are isolated in their own meetings. Sometimes the elders are not even aware of their activities, or what they are being taught. It takes a sacrifice to invest yourself in young people, but the rewards are immense. How each one of us thanks God for an older brother or sister who ministered to us and discipled us during this time in our life. What can we do to show the young people at our assembly that we genuinely love them? There is a dear older brother at our assembly who has spurred on many a young soul to do great things for God. I said to him one day, “Carl, these kids really love you.” In his typical fashion, he replied, “They can’t help it; they know I love them.” Don’t be afraid to show your love for the young people.

Entertainment or Edification?

A curious aspect of our ministry to young people is an attempt to edify them by entertaining them. Of course, the entertainment must constantly get more sensational to hold their interest. Finally, when we can add no further rings to the circus, we wonder why they are disinterested. The reason is: entertainment can appeal but can never satisfy. The real need among our youth is challenge in their life for God. They are growing and being stretched mentally, socially, and emotionally. Why not spiritually?

In what areas are challenges needed? First of all, in the Word. We need to get beyond the surface of the Bible and be equipping our young people to get into the meat of the Word. “How to study the Bible” classes are a must for young people. As well, they need to be taught and reaffirmed in the basic doctrines of the Scriptures, particularly the Church. They need to be challenged in the Gospel, to be involved in the various evangelistic outreaches of the assembly. They need to be exposed, through on-the-job training, to ministries in visitation, Sunday School, practical good works, etc. Present your young people with these “career opportunities in the family business” and see how they respond.

Examples to the Flock

Young people need examples. Paul committed the faith to Timothy who in turn passed it on to others. We have outlined a number of areas where young people should be challenged, but can we expect them to do these things if no one will take the time to teach them and show them? This is the great need today — those who will disciple the young. We need you, older brothers and sisters. You have what we do not have — experience. Who will rise up and help us to fill the gap?


Uplook Magazine, November 1991

Written by Sandy McEachern
