Emblems of the Holy Spirit
God has chosen in love and grace to reveal Himself to His creature, man. We discover He is One God, yet manifest in three divine persons, being a Father, a Son and a Holy Spirit. We speak most reverently of...
The Leading of the Spirit
Our motives for wanting divine guidance may not always be as free of self-interest as we think. One of our chief concerns in life is to avoid loss to ourselves, and for this reason even pagans are brought to their...
So What?
Like kudzu, the oriental vine creeping its way across the landscape of the southeastern U. S., statistics are crawling into every area of our lives. Nothing seems beyond reach. And it seems nothing can stop the thing. By definition, statistics deal...
In the Crucible: Job
There are few men who have the record that is ascribed to Job, a "perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and turneth away from evil" (1:8; 2:3). Job's life proved this testimony true. We would expect such...
The Shadows are Gone
John 20 is the resurrection chapter. The darkness of Calvary is gone, the battle against sin, against Satan, and against death has been fought to the finish, and the risen Lord stands upon the battlefield in the undisputed might of...
Worth Reading: Good Biographies
This list does not pretend to be an exhaustive index to good biographies. But they are books worth finding, reading, and recommending. The Bible tells us, "He that walks with wise men shall be wise, but the companion of fools...
Sorrow & Gladness
How deeply touching are the words of our Lord Jesus: "My soul is exceeding sorrowful" (Matt. 26:38). We do well to meditate upon them, because while our hearts overflow with praise as we recall what He has done, our spirits...
That Old Text Again
Some time ago in a dream of the night, I thought that I was visiting some Yorkshire villages, distributing gospel tracts and talking with the people in their homes. At the door of one of these cottages there stood a...
A Cheerful Giver
The two chapters, 2 Corinthians 8 and 9, contain a sevenfold description of the gifts bestowed by believers for the help of their fellow saints. That seven different terms are used here is an indication of the value which God...