Magazine Issue Articles

Saturday, June 13, 1992


Uplook Magazine, June 1992 Written by Peter J. Pell

Monday, June 1, 1992

When the Heart Heads Home

I am sitting in the Senai Airport just outside the city of Jahore Bahru in Malasia. The air is sultry. If I wasn't feeling melancholy (and therefore poetic), I'd say it was merely hot and sticky. The local flora is...

Monday, June 1, 1992

Christian Hope

Hope, with uplifted foot set free from earth, Pants for the place of her ethereal birth; On steady wings sails through the immense abyss, Plucks amaranthine joys from bowers of bliss, And crowning the soul, while yet a mourner here,...

Monday, June 1, 1992

The Ribband of Blue

"And that they put upon the fringe of the borders a ribband of blue . . . that ye may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the Lord, and do them" (Numbers 15:38-39). People have always made and...

Monday, June 1, 1992

Outposts of Heaven

We have, in the book of Exodus, the account of that visit which Moses paid to Jehovah Himself in the excellent glory above Mount Sinai--a visit lasting forty days and forty nights, during which time Moses received from God very...

Monday, June 1, 1992

The Ladder to Heaven

"And he [Jacob] dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it" (Genesis 28:12). All men feel the earth and heaven...

Friday, May 1, 1992


I was visiting a friend near Avignon in the south of France. He and his wife labor (the word may not be strong enough) among the expatriate Arabs from the former French colonies of North Africa. It is not an...

Friday, May 1, 1992

Spirit Life: Romans 6-8

The Divine intention is that we shall one day be like our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:29). It is equally true, however, that God is looking for moral conformity to Him now. We may no longer be "under law," nevertheless,...

Friday, May 1, 1992

Infinite Resource

It is important to see that the coming of the Lord Jesus into this world introduced an entirely new era in the ways of God with men, and that this new era is marked by the presence of the Holy...
