The Divine Visitor
In his book entitled Salvation Symphony, Guy H. King relates a story which took place in the reign of King George V. A certain London hospital was informed that England's monarch intended to make an informal visit. It is easy to...
The Master Key
I have found the Master Key of Heaven that unlocks everything: C.H.R.I.S.T. Yes, I know it is an old story; but, oh, the newness of its wonders! Recently, I went on a tour for the Lord in the north of England....
This generation is called the "me generation." There is talk of self-esteem, self-worth, self-realization. Marriages fall apart because each says, "My needs are not being met." Psychologists and counselors are inundated with people who feel frustrated because life is not...
Love: The Great Essential (1 Cor. 13)
Let me divide this lovely chapter into three parts. We have the superiority of love. It rises above every other virtue; it stands supreme. Then we have the sweetness of love, all the ingredients of which it is composed. Finally...
Weight Lifting
The assembly I attend is full of weight lifters. I wouldn't call it a fad exactly. It's really a passion with them, has been for a long time. In fact, some of them have been doing it for 70 years!...
A Happy Funeral?
The doctrine of baptism has sadly suffered, not only in Christendom, but also among those who are gathered professedly in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Amid the confusion of opinions, we hear of Infant Baptism, Household Baptism, and Believer's...
The True Church
A British nobleman preaching the Gospel in Sweden some years ago was asked by a lady of the country to what Church he belonged. "To the Church of Christ," was his reply. "Yes, but to what branch?" she insisted. "Madam,"...
Money is power. It has power greatly to extend one's opportunities, influence, and fruitfulness. With equal truth it may be said to multiply one's responsibilities. Certainly its possession and use increase one's dangers spiritually. The Scriptures present amazing contrasts according to...
The Breaking of Bread
That the early Christians observed "the ordinances" (1 Cor. 11:2) of the baptism of believers and the Lord's Supper is clear to any unbiased reader of the New Testament. The observance of the Breaking of Bread, otherwise spoken of as...