Magazine Issue Articles

Thursday, April 1, 1993

Taking Inventory

According to the Book of Acts, Ephesus was highly favored among the churches founded by the apostle Paul. He gave two years' residence at one stretch to that prosperous and strategic city. During that time there was an abundance of...

Thursday, April 1, 1993

Is Your Iron Blunt?

No good tradesman would willingly work very long with a blunt iron. "If the iron be blunt, and he does not whet the edge, then must he put to more strength: but wisdom is profitable to direct" (Eccl. 10:10). Good...

Monday, February 1, 1993

Moving Day

The world watched as a Marine helicopter lifted off, bound for Houston, Texas, while a moving van with Arkansas plates made its way cautiously through the gate into the presidential compound. It was moving day at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and...

Monday, February 1, 1993

God’s Right Hand Man

Christianity has, among many features to recommend it, several that call for constant consideration. Neglect of their force and application can easily produce shallowness of experience and weakness of witness. First, it can't be too frequently and too emphatically stated that...

Monday, February 1, 1993

Tracts and How to Use Them

A gentleman on holiday strolled across to the seat on which his wife was sitting. "What did that fellow say to you?" he asked. "He handed me this little book and inquired whether I had the supreme joy of knowing...

Monday, February 1, 1993

Sharing in the Harvest

Some businesses can be carried on at home, but others cannot. A man may make shoes in his back shop, but he can't catch fish there, and he can't sow seed there, either. It is in the nature of the...

Monday, February 1, 1993

Heaven’s Certainty

Certainties are remedies," says the poet. How true are his words. The businessman, when he has the certain knowledge that his business is sound and healthy, finds in the knowledge a remedy which kills his anxiety. The mariner, who is...

Monday, February 1, 1993

Laborers and Their Reward

Then answered Peter and said unto Him, Behold, we have forsaken all, and have followed Thee; what shall we have therefore?" (Matt. 19:27). Peter betrayed a wrong mind, the mind of the natural man in Matthew 19:27. His words betrayed a...

Friday, January 1, 1993

Barking Up the Wrong Tree

Before you conclude from the cover that Uplook has gone to the dogs, give me a chance to explain. We have recently added a new four-legged member to the household, a tricolor Bassett hound named Rey-Mar Kayla Victoria. For those...
