Your Methods Convey a Message
"And when I came to you, brethren, I did not come with superiority of speech or of wisdom, proclaiming to you the testimony of God. For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. And...
Divine Intimacy
The intimacy which the Lord has sought with man is evidenced in a very blessed way through Scripture. It may have had different expressions, but still it was intimacy. The glory in the cloud, the Lord in the burning bush,...
The Husbandman
The Lord, interpreting the Father, enforces on His disciples here the lesson that in entering into relation with Himself, as the "True Vine," they come within the sphere of the Father's activities as Husbandmen, for better or worse, as they...
Knowing God Personally
A personal knowledge of God will change character, transforming the life following the new birth. It is gradual, not sudden, in its change, as the Spirit of God introduces new motives and objects into the life for God's glory (2...
Fruitful Branches
In John's Gospel, Christ is continually presented as the substance of all the previous shadows. The light, the lamb, the temple, the fountain, the manna, the shepherd--each is reviewed and replaced by His own glorious Person. With what wondering awe must...
The Only Way
Christianity is sometimes treated as a "comparative religion." All beliefs are basically the same, we are told. Man is good at heart, but has an innate desire to be even better. He can do it himself, but needs a generous...
The Nameless Lake
As we approach the crest of a small rise, the game trail we have been following fades out. The top of the knoll is a small meadow, where obviously the caribou have been feeding. As we reach the crest, a...
Why the Lord Must Come
That the Lord will come a second time is as sure in the Word of God as the fact that He did come the first time. But why must He come again? If we understand the solid reasons for His...
Leaving Us an Example
Too often we are content to be on the receiving side, giving to God little in return. To avoid living in the shallows, Christian life ought to be an expression of giving as well as getting; of sharing as well...