Finem Respice
Perched high atop the cliffs between Ayr and Girvan on the southwest coast of Scotland is the beautiful Culzean (pronounced Cul-ane) Castle. Designed by the famed Robert Adam in 1777, it was built on the site of an ancient tower,...
Eternal Punishment: A Hot Topic
The whole question is this: Is eternal punishment in the Bible? Whether it is a blot on the name of God or not, if it is in the Bible, it is there to be believed--if the Bible is accepted as...
A Bride Adored-A Lamb Slain
Uplook Magazine, January 1994 Written by A. C. Rose
The Blackness of Darkness Forever
I have searched this Book of God through and through, over and over again, to find one ray of hope for one who leaves this world rejecting Christ, and I have never been able to find it. I have looked...
A Bit of Hell Inside
Gipsy Smith was preaching in Edinburgh, Scotland. One of his helpers was George Jackson. Mrs. Jackson came to him at the close of the gospel meeting, and said, "Gipsy, there is a young woman in the inquiry room who is...
Angels are Watching!
Those heavenly creatures whose very existence is to serve and obey the commands of God, gaze down upon the people of God in wonder and amazement. They are accustomed to seeing many wonders, for they dwell in the presence of...
Travelling Incognito
They can be blue or white, yellow, orange, or red. I should be able to see about 3,000 of them on a clear, dark night. But astronomers tell us that there are more than 200,000,000,000,000,000,000 (200 billion billion) stars, more...
Bethsaida: Preached unto the Gentiles
The first memory of Gennesaret is appropriately connected with a fishing-scene. It must have been now about the end of November or beginning of December, when the sultry heat of summer had disappeared; when the trees were either bared of...
Bethabara: Justified in the Spirit
Following the prologue of John's Gospel comes the first main division from 1:19 to the end of chapter 12. This narrates the public testimony of Christ by word and work. The narrative begins by resuming the witness of John the...