Moses: A God-Motivated Life
It has been well said that greatness is usually forged in the fires of affliction. God put Moses through the desert university of Sinai for forty years. Greatness comes through service. The head of the class is reached in God's...
The Obituary of Moses
There is spiritual encouragement to be found in the obituary columns of Christian magazines. We read of long years of faithfulness to the Lord, of works carried out and accomplished in His name. The question arises: What will my life...
A Lesson from Qumran
When the Lord Jesus came into the world, the Jewish nation was divided into various religious and political camps: Herodians, Zealots, Pharisees, and Sadducees, for example. One prominent religious group which is not mentioned in the New Testament was the...
Savor it!
There is an awful warmth about my heart like a load of immortality," wrote John Keats in a letter to J. H. Reynolds. It was a similar impression that hundreds of attendees had as they left the Hyatt Regency Cincinnati...
Bible Study Tools
There are many benefits of using language tools for Bible study, not the least of which is accuracy in our study of the the text. If we really believe that the Scriptures are the Word of God, then we want...
Reaching People
Let me suggest that there are three elements to reaching people: the commission, the conviction, and the courage. Scripture gives us our commission from the lips of the Saviour Himself, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to...
Practical Holiness
Take your minds back before the world was, before there was an angel serving in heaven or a star burning in space, before there was anything--but God--filling all in all, needing no one, needing nothing to fulfill the joy of...
The Stewardship of Time
Time is increasingly mentioned a problem among Christians, isn't it. "Not enough time," we say. But what exactly is the problem with it? Is it that we don't have enough time? Or is our problem with time that it is...
The Changing Climate
However one feels about the present condition of New Testament assemblies in North America, most would agree that there are sweeping changes afoot. What are some of the influences that affect the present climate? 1. "Intellectual Mobility" As never before, ideas from...