Which Jesus Do you Know?
"When Israel saw that the king did not hearken to them, the people answered the king, What portion have we in David? We have no inheritance in the son of Jesse" (1 Ki. 12:16). What a tragedy it is when...
I have been greatly delighted in contemplating the blessedness of being engrossed with the Lord Jesus. And one effect that the many questions, strifes about words, vain janglings and contentions which beset one on every side, have had is to...
The Fellowship of Tears
"Jesus wept." More wonderful words than these are nowhere to be found in Scripture. The verb translated "wept" is unique in its employment here. It is not found elsewhere. Literally it is, "Jesus shed tears." These were tears of sympathy with...
Letter to a Friend
The following article is the substance of a letter written by brother Jim Upton, an elder at the assembly in metropolitan Minneapolis, MN. It was written as a solemn but loving appeal to a fellow workmate as Jim was taking...
The Fountain of Youth
Juan Ponce de Leon was born in 1474 to a noble Spanish family and served as a page in the court of Ferdinand V and Isabella I. He sailed with Columbus on his second voyage to the New World (he...
An Appreciation of Home
Next to our own home, we have discovered a home away from home. No small claim indeed! The tidiness and cleanliness of this home deserves high marks. So does the staff from the director to the least of the attendants....
The Care of Saints
With mixed emotions I received the announcement of this special issue of Uplook. Earlier this year, I studied the subject of aging in Scripture. That study revealed many truths to me, and since that time my heart has been even...
The Blessings of Old Age
This subject may not appeal to some folks, but for those who have reached the sunset days of life, a study of it will prove helpful and encouraging. For others, let me suggest that you try to enter into its...
Abigail Meets Havergal
After Caroline Townsend died, her daughter Abigail looked back at her as a glorious example of true spirituality. Once, while Abigail was visiting her friend Edith, Frances Ridley Havergal entered the room. Edith introduced the two. "This is my friend,...